Mary Havran

Mary Havran Poems

Before dawn wind rushes
driving night’s chill westward
so vestiges of darkness
send shivers along my spine.

Am I to be tested by fire?
Tempered, as steel, to forge the keener blade
Can I possibly survive?

Somewhere, sometime, you were Wounded
Maybe as early as infancy when you were denied
All the essentials of the bonding experience
Perhaps the wounds were inflicted

No time to prepare
Shoved over cliff by sorrows
Float down now, gently

Lonely is just one word chosen to represent so much
To tell of feelings inside that the senses cannot touch

Lonely can be in the teardrops on a bereaved person's cheek

If Ignorance be Bliss
One may not seek for this
But if Intelligence is Unwise
One might not choose such prize

Love came late
Or, I came late to Love

There I’ve said it.


On the edge I stand
Constructing paper airplanes
Crisp clean fresh sheets
Free of any dark remark

Night’s paling azurite horizon
cloaked in a gossamer veil of clouds
briefly contests the sunrise
thus allowing nights last stars

I mean not a Thing
No Things

It was childhood enchantment in the form of song
Which first awoke in me, the rainbow-lover
Entranced as ‘Dorothy’ sang of
Her wish to someday fly far over

A quest for emotional provender
leaves me guided by your North Star
into wilderness unmelcoming
to my hearth loving nature

Valentine’s day brings them out
Sayings candy Sweethearts shout

Disabled, or Divergently Abled,
Depends on individual point of view
As by personal path recently led
My parameter is now somewhat new

He dresses her in pastel satin
Hair trimmed with matching bows
And every time he looks at her
How his face with pride just glows

Perhaps they don’t throw stones
Simply skipping them instead
Picking and choosing only the best
Sleek, slim, rounded at the edges

How shall I apologize for such, my indiscretions?
Overwhelmed as I often find myself
accomplice to my imperfections
Yes, I confess

From practical perspective
Love may be viewed as colorless
When romantically reflective
Color spectrum Love does possess

build me a poem like a Japanese house
stark black words set against
crisp white paper wall

To see the World in the plight of Man
And witness Heaven in his soul’s flower
Tap at Infinity with your mouse hand
And touch Humanity through words’ power

The Best Poem Of Mary Havran

Before The Dawn

Before dawn wind rushes
driving night’s chill westward
so vestiges of darkness
send shivers along my spine.
Facing east I fight
cold’s piercing urge to wince,
and huddled await morn’s blush.
No wind or cold may dissuade
my eyes from pending purchase
of that precious brief pink palette,
clouds trimmed in rosy piping
which dress the sky at dawn.

Mary Havran Comments

Philip Housiaux 14 April 2008

The poem I read showed great deal of commitment to an important moral and personal issue. that is a good thing. thanks

5 8 Reply
Werner Horne 11 March 2008

Loved it Mary, somehow the tallest of trees gives most way to the wind even though they see the wind coming before most do. I send this to a friend who is till marching in the wounded ranks. I sometimes wonder if the wounded army perhaps outnumbers the fit for fight troupe. Yet you will find them deep in battle even sometimes tending the needs of others. Love from SA

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Hugh Don Ghetit 26 January 2008

Mary is a darling and witty woman. She is quick to smile, and make you laugh. When health concerns caused her to withdraw from teaching it was a loss to many. We who miss her in that field are so happy to learn she has found a place to shine again. Mary, you could always make me laugh and now through reading such lovely poems, you have sometimes managed to make me cry. All the best -Hugh

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