Michael Philips Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Bad Art

I set off a stink bomb
At the art opening of bad art.
It was funny how everyone started
Looking around as if they

Sports Section

Your gentle yawn
while reading the sports section
as they fill your prescription.
A light scratch of your nose

Golf Pro

There are two types of people:
Those who play golf,
And those who recognize it
for the idiotic malpractice that it is,


I want someone to invent
a coffee table book that
rapidly deteriorates and
transforms itself into something else,

Aunt Rita

She made a scene at the wedding
Wearing a black leather miniskirt
Upstaging the livid bride
My kids thought she was exciting and cool

The One True Religion

Researchers say Mormons have continued
to posthumously baptize Jewish Holocaust victims
into their faith despite a promise to discontinue the practice

Cat Lover

The white one purred and was soft.
We gave it a name.
Got hit by a car.
We buried it in back.

Colleagues Who Die

Colleagues who die
kept in my rolodex
alive in circulation
flipping round in ritual

Bagging Kid Charlemagne

You cannot see the upper reaches of Everest
from the base camp, where you acclimatize
with attitude and finger exercises.

No More Communists To Kick Around Anymore

Those old communists – the ones in the
triumphant revolutionary posters with
broad shoulders and eyes on the horizon
where the sun is rising on a better world,

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