Morgan Evans

Morgan Evans Poems

there is something in this world
i never thought i couldnt find.
when i looked for hope in this
dark world,

Hand in hand let us stand.
let us be true for one another.
another day gone bye, and with you.
you now and forver are my everything.

i was always thier for you,
i never left your side.
i never said never to you.
i could imagine you and i together.

i walk by you and whispering the softest
'hello' you look
and yet you dont seem to notice me.
whispers is all you ever notice out of me, for

i see you and you never seem to notice me.
i watch you and smile and still
its like im a shadow.
im there but to you i dont realy

i hope...
our love is eturnal.
because i want to be with you,
for all eternity.

a cold night thats all
i need.
for its the kind
youll be there.

i can dream a
with goodness
in our hearts.

im a white
rose turning
black as my

my shadow followed you
and found something
i wish it had not.

Why did you have to go?
you left me here all alone in this cold
hearted world.
With no one, so why did you leave me?

i found you there, waiting
for thee with open arms i seeked.
you i love more than this, love
i feel for you.

why do we cry?
crying never helps.
it never can comefort you
when you do.

as i see roses fall
in the distance,
i know its comming.

love for all reasons...
that's what i do for i love you.
i love you for all reasons.witch
i should for you are the one, the

my heart was broken...
once before.
will you be the one to
mend my broken heart,

friend of mine
i cheerish thee with my
spirit, and the fire that
burns with in me.

i'll forget...
i'll forget what u say to me,
i'll even forget what you were to me.

I'm With you all the way now,
yet i dont know how.
Im here today and i shall tomrrow,
for no one could take me nor borrow.

i miss you...
i miss whaen the wind
thats what happened

Morgan Evans Biography

Greetings to you My kindest reader. I have been such as a poet sinse i could write. Sharing these things with you is more than a grace to me.I shall write once more, sinse most of my poems are not my best i will admit. But, i shall start up as promised here. I can be sweet and innocent looking, remember i said looking not fully. Tehehe. I help anyone of need, and even ask if there is somthing i should do for them in there own need. i care for most, and defend those i love or just believe they should be such a way.. Sincerly Sighned, Rose...)

The Best Poem Of Morgan Evans

Angel Of Mine...

there is something in this world
i never thought i couldnt find.
when i looked for hope in this
dark world,
you showed me love.
you where sent from heaven,
and it seems just for me.
how you changed my world no one
shall never know nor see.
now i know why they say the best
things in life are free..
for that somthing, and always shall be
i found that angel.. angel of mine..

Morgan Evans Comments

Savannah Ross 12 October 2007

Hi whatcha doing? hi hi YAY!

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