Musfiq us shaleheen

Musfiq us shaleheen Poems

This day you left me
And spring lost its flower forever
At early spring, young called never
Again in a low silent day,

Vitreous shinning of moon,
In the springtime mother's pique
A train carried me from dark to light,
A rose bud bloomed-


When a bud became a rose,
vigorous dreams flooded the heart glee

After Nine month bloodshed-
A healthy baby born on low
laying part of the southern earth

A little say to you,
my darling-
You don't come and love me
I can't commit you

A bird has broken the cage
finally fly away
takes a breath
with full of oxygen

Somber wind flows through
A slow September evening
it comes as the drifted
Clouds on poet's old window

Love is for yours
Love is for mine
And we are for each other.

I have bided you,
in the center of my gravity
cause I love you.

The clouds move gently
And join them together
Then makes them into stack
The rain comes out of it

Oh my God! I could not judge your game
The event is-
will be-

Love has gone so far
She said I am no more for you
But what moves into my heart
That can't sale through online cart


I was a hard sand stone

when you say
I love you -
it's never be a lie

Oh! You could not try
To wit yourself
You are in the loop and banded,

Thy go! Go through an uncertainty
Time passes and passes,
A dry leaf float on stream
My heart cry, what for, whom for!

Yesterday I was sick and
Moon was far from my window
I called you that it was full of dark
Miss you very-

I was there for waiting
and not wait after
The place we met together

You can see thee existence
Maybe lies in the half a way!
Where it comes from, even
What does it say to thee?

rain drops on the tree
drops on the field of free -
drops on my face
feel me the god's grace

Musfiq us shaleheen Biography

Sometimes Loudly Sometimes Silently Yellow leaves have fallen, Becoming dry Pale Passing through as the grained Sound on the Street Slowly dark flees across the evenings What an Illusion! What Shadows! Has Shuffled The Past Present Future Your form that creates metaphors And what a wonderful feel Through out its gravity Night dancing, When aroma of Night-Queen Moving in the air, Plays with the moonlit As if Reminds The First love Poem Has burned within the form Standing to fascinate Away, a dense bunch Of vine Forest Bored Air moving Listening the murmur Of dried leaves In the passing wind of banner As if Someone Calling with My old name Empty Restless Heart Today is the tune that somewhere else Like a flow Of a distant river melody, Surging waves of the attack In the Strange night of Spring Continuous grey leaves falling Falling on the Floor Whispering the words on the street goes through What an Illusion! What Shadows! @ Musfiq us shaleheen .)

The Best Poem Of Musfiq us shaleheen

The Lost Spring

This day you left me
And spring lost its flower forever
At early spring, young called never
Again in a low silent day,
I heard the crisping of a lost grasshopper

In a black and white glow dream
Far away from the silky moon sprung
There birds feathers were oping with high delicate
Though Pale petals were losing their pixel with pleasant
But the high divine melody colored the deep purple

Then another high spring fallen to light purple
Yellow flowers bloom on her pale face again
At Night mild murmur cools the heart of the passionate
And the Sunflower rises on the first shines of sun
Melts with a dream after a long winter washed

Musfiq us shaleheen,12th February,2014

Musfiq us shaleheen Comments

Saiom Shriver 24 April 2013

Your Beauty Of The Rose poem is a necklace of deep thoughts.

2 2 Reply
James Safi 20 November 2013

I like his poem very much. Very special in love poem, also romantic. His poems reflects many moves and thoughts. I really like his several poems mostly Beauty of Rose Dreams so many others. Thanks Musfiq.. Keep writing.. God bless you.

0 1 Reply
Simon Samuel 11 January 2014

Dear Poet Musfiq us shaleheen you touched the standard of classic poetry specially 'Beauty of Rose' and 'end of darkness' i wish your success..

0 1 Reply
Sudip Chandra 01 February 2013

very romantic poet. i liked his imagery, wording and way of style.

0 1 Reply
Musfiq Us Shaleheen 01 November 2015

Narasimha Murthy MG 'broken bridge'...Symbolism of the broken bridge and the river between the broken parts of the bridge, the silhouette on the shore, contemplating on 'a phase of life' and the sub-conscious awareness of a cohesion of dream' is vivid and the imagery, fascinating... A beautiful expression of a mystic experience. M.G.N.Murthy. mgnmurthy4@gmail. com

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Methul Methu 23 December 2014

nice but i have some q. why i will return to my love who left me alone here

0 1 Reply
Daniel Brick 25 July 2014

I LOVE POETRY/I LIVE POETRY - These are shining words with which to open a poem, and you can be certain there are many people at POEMHUNTER, myself included, who agree fully with them. You then shift to a love poem which is one of the great subjects of poetry throughout the world, in fact, love poetry is one of the things that unifies all of us into one human family. I spend a good part of my time reading poetry from poets who are not american and do not necessarily write in english. from south asia I especially love Kabir and Tagore.

3 1 Reply
Musfiq Us Shaleheen 10 July 2014

How right you are! Love is not just meant for this life! It is meant for eternity! We can be with our loved ones forever! It is part of God's great plan of happiness! We do go on after death! This life is just a spec of time, in the eternal scheme of things, but it is a very important spec. During this spec of time we strive to live God's commandments so that we can be with him and our families forever! Love really is a forever thing! - Sharilynn Reaser (6/11/2014 8: 45: 00 AM)

0 1 Reply

excellent poems. you are great in explaining your feels. i invite you to read my poem

1 1 Reply

Musfiq us shaleheen Quotes

love is for yours love is for mine And we are for each other

I am moving with the stream not worrying about the destiny even where they are going or what they think

Silence gives rise to many route But when you called from the back I have only one losing all the way

'Listen, All this in preparation Is only for his death' তোমার প্রস্তুতির সবই একমাত্র মৃত্যুর জন্য

.. . while sometimes different blood groups but when you are broken yet he feels pain যদিও কখনো কখনো রক্তের গ্রুপ আলাদা তারপর ও তোমার আঘাতে সে ব্যথা পায় .. . @Musfiq us shaleheen

Old Friends .. . Old friends like old banyan tree Whose roots are deep ingrained You may not be removed easily .. পুরানো বন্ধু বৃদ্ধ বটগাছের মত যার শিকড় অনেক গভীরে প্রথিত সহজে তুলে ফেলা যাই না

all those fictions make each contradiction though truth exiled beneath the books but the healthy history looks

True love can't always go in a certain way As you don't always think before a step It may even beyond imagination- But finally it is a sacrifice for life- Which gentlemen count after reading the book

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