02 (Sakuntala) Visit To The Hermitage Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

02 (Sakuntala) Visit To The Hermitage

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In the absence of Kanva, the Sage,
Dushyanta went to the hermitage,
To meet Sakuntala, his daughter,
Curiously as a surprise visitor.

A holy atmosphere around,
On the way, the king found,
Besides many signs of peace,
A place fit for penance.

Parrots lived in tree-holes,
Spilling down paddy grains,
Thus covering the tree-base
With a blanket of grains!

Oil-seeds fallen and broken,
To the stones, gave a shine!
Unmindful of a chariot near,
Deer grazed there with no fear.

Water dripping on floors
From the wet-bark-dresses
Showed straight the path
Leading to a river-bath.

Deep canals washed the tree-roots,
When the wind pushed their waves.
Soot from fire blackened the leaves
Thus showing pale dullness.

With no fears bound,
Young deer ran around,
Grazing in the wet plains
With half-cut sacred-grass.

He said, “Oh charioteer,
Stop the chariot here,
Far away, at a distance,
From this holy place.”

“We should not cause,
Any kind of disturbance,
Or even an inconvenience
To the residents of this place.”

“Take my royal jewels,
And these harmful bows.
Let me go in humble dress,
Without making any fuss.”

“Give the horses a wash,
With water, cool and fresh,
So, they’ll be fit to run
By the time, I return.”

He proceeded straight
To the entrance gate
Of the pious hermit
To pay his humble visit.

“How silent this place is?
Why my arm throbs?
Will my wish fulfill?
Who knows God’s will? ”

“What’s destined to happen
Will no doubt happen.
And find its way anywhere
Any time, here or there.”

He saw three young girls
More like beautiful pearls,
Carrying their water pots
Just to water the plants.

“Such beauties are rare
In palaces, anywhere,
But I find them here
So pretty like a creeper.”

“This fact none can refute,
That a creeper in a forest
Is far better than one
Growing in a garden.”

A thought of this kind,
Rolled into his mind,
On seeing the three girls
Even in their bark-dresses.

Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar 19 January 2009

You train the readers on the events in your write with interest not lagging any time.

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Ashraful Musaddeq 30 September 2008

An amazing work.10 for it.

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Kesav Easwaran 23 May 2008

Stop the chariot here, Far away, at a distance, From this holy place.” “We should not cause, Any kind of disturbance, Or even an inconvenience To the residents of this place.” The king's respect and worship towards eco systems has been well brought out in these stanzas...

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rajagopal haran 19 May 2008

i wonder that you have written a great epic story in simple language with proper metering...love this writing..

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Sandra Fowler 19 May 2008

Descriptive passages that glow with serenity. An other worldly place that could be shattered by crass behavior. a beautiful, exotic write. Warm regards, Sandra

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Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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