11o3 Things Incorrigible Poem by John Knight

11o3 Things Incorrigible

Rating: 5.0

My first theme is my first love Mountains.
Incorrigible - ageless
The hights and sights of my chilldhood
Unsubtle the opposite of Plains
And unlike Plains capable
Of infinite variety of crags and crevices
Like the features on the face of an Octogenerian
Sculptured by wind and weather
Seemingly unchangable.

My second theme is the Christian Church a paradox.
Incorrigible - spiritual
The sense and incense of my childhood
Subtle the opposite of Atheism
And unlike Atheism capable
Of myriads of different intepretations
High & Low - Deep & Wide - Broad & Narrow
Methoodist - Baptist - Papist & Calvinist
You pledge your Faith and take your pick

My third theme is Cats the only animals worth knowing.
Incorrigible - uncommitted
They loomed large and furry in my childhood
Subtle the opposite of canines
And unlike canines capable
Of flirting - purring - yawning & fawning anywhere
Like females who want no contact
But like going their own way
Thus making the way of their lovers lighter

My last theme is Roses because they are the lovliest of flowers
Incorrigible - beautiful
They brightened the gardens of my childhood
Subtle the opposite of dandelions
And unlike dandelions - polychrome and capable
Of surviving the gardeners happy hoe hoe hoe
Because they are the Queen of Flowers
Floribunda - English tea - Climbers & Rambling
A garden is incomplete without them.

I am idebted to Louis Macneice for the structure of this poem and also for the conepts in verse three becaus I feel strongly about CATS

(John Knight - Colchester - December 2009)

Fay Slimm 03 December 2009

Loved the themed structure of this John (and like you I too admire Louis Macneice) - - - the reference to cats is amusing and informative to a doggie lover like me - - and the section on roses is filled with the fragrance and colour of summer - - - a delightful verse, thank you 10 from Fay.

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Robert Uy 02 December 2009


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John Knight

John Knight

Liverpool - UK
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