1133 Heaven On Earth Poem by John Knight

1133 Heaven On Earth

Rating: 5.0

Where is Heaven is there such a place?
A place where God is real and Angels dwell
Can we find Heaven - while we're here on earth
Or does your life on Earth resemble Hell?
Heaven is all around in Nature shown
The 'Gift of God' to all who are His own.

Heaven is a clearing in the woods
A place were bluebells in profusion grow
A place of solitude qnd quietness
A place where only rabbits and the badgers go.
The Angels gather there but are unseen
Except by those who have departed from this scene.

Heaven is a stretch of sandy coast
The place where Baby Angels love to play
The murmer of the sea the gentle wind
The changing panorama of each day.
And those who have departed from this life
Can live contented there as Man & Wife.

Heaven is a mountain-side retreat
A place with lovely vistas near and far
A pace that's shaped by God's almighty hand
Which urban noise and crime can never mar.
A place for our beloved who've gone before
Where Angels hover close to Heaven's Door.

Heaven's set beside a placid lake
In which are mirrored trees and clouds above
A place of peace - serenity and joy
A place of holiness - a place of love.
Martyrs and Saints sing out to God in Praise
And with the Angels serve Him all their days.
God's gift to us - right from our day of birth
The 'Joys of Heaven' - right where we are on EARTH! ! !

(John Knight - Colchester - December 2009)

Catrina Heart 05 December 2009

Heaven's set beside a placid lake In which are mirrored trees and clouds above A place of peace - serenity and joy A place of holiness - a place of love. Martyrs and Saints sing out to God in Praise And with the Angels serve Him all their days. God's gift to us - right from our day of birth The 'Joys of Heaven' - right where we are on EARTH! ! ----- awesome poem..............i loved it! ! !

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Patti Masterman 05 December 2009

What a perfectly awesome idea. It's true the saints always expressed the idea (I'm thinking of St. Therese in particular, but I'm sure she was not alone in this desire) that they would rather spend their 'heaven' doing useful things on earth. I think that's the best thought of all.

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Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 07 December 2009

‘…Heaven's set beside a placid lake // In which are mirrored trees and clouds above A place of peace - serenity and joy // A place of holiness - a place of love….’ Yeah it is very true…Haven is within our Pure within…and the Peace…is to be developed thro’ positive rituals… and Hell too can be grown thro’ negative rituals…so Haven and Hell are but our creation…as we mirror our mindset so we get the reflection.. You’ve very nicely put it in this poem… And for guiding me to Haven…ten multiplied by ad infintum... Ms. Nivedita UK

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Deborah Cromer 06 December 2009

Artists, musicians and POETS are surrounded by Angels. This piece of work is heavenly. Divine lines and thought to create another enjoyable read. Debbie

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Clara Odelia Ciutara 06 December 2009

John, these are true descriptions of heaven. Heaven on earth - Heaven where God does exist and Angel does dwell, a truly place anyone anywhere anytime wants to be. You'd found your heaven, John, in our lovely earth, in our home sweet home. Great poem....

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Susan Jarvis 05 December 2009

You are absolutely right, we are all children of Eden, and you paint such a beautiful picture; but that contemptible nibble on the forbidden fruit added death, disease and disaster to the heavenly equation - shame! S :)

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Ruth Walters 05 December 2009

Well yes you are right but also wrong as there are so many unfortunates in this world who are born to starve, suffer disease, are slaughtered in war and are mistreated through no fault of their own. It's a world of haves and have nots. I like the poem though, the dream. Ruthie

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John Knight

John Knight

Liverpool - UK
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