(26) The Night He Visited Me... Poem by Lubna S. Khan

(26) The Night He Visited Me...

Rating: 2.7

Far from the stars
Came a ray of light.
It lit up your face
And I saw you all night!

In the midst of dusk
With darkness all around,
Shiny rays I saw in woods
And a handsome you I found.

You were sitting by the lake,
You were singing a song.
In a world of fantasies
We were walking along.

Your muscular, huge body
I could see in the shade.
Awe fully filled my mind,
Began a romantic cascade!

You held a white swan
With so much gentle care,
I was peeping from the leaves;
You didn't know I was there.

The radiance of your face
Had carried me away.
I felt as if I should
In your arms always stay.

The sun was rising,
I was afraid you'd go.
Before you rode your horse,
I wanted you to know.

With shivery, shaky feet,
And sweat dripping down
I stepped out from bushes
And you saw me in my gown!

Far from that distance,
My face you sharply eyed;
And suddenly I feared
You'd hate me 'cause I spied.

So lightly you approached me
I felt I would scream.
But you gently rode me away,
And I woke up from my dream!

(written on the 2nd of April,2009)

Dr Antony Theodore 17 September 2015

You held a white swan With so much gentle care, I was peeping from the leaves; You didn't know I was there. i like these lines in your poem very much. very sensual. and your desire and love is portrayed well. you have a lot of imagination. work on it and you will become a great poetess. God bless you tony

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Maheshi Chhaya 04 May 2009

Name the guy Please Its beautiful.....

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Saadat Tahir 02 May 2009

great and fantastic writing.. Far from the stars Came a ray of light. It lit up your face And I saw you all night! a relevant photograph u posted. ; -) cheers

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Lubna S. Khan

Lubna S. Khan

Dahanu, Maharashtra, India
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