(a) 11 (Love/Passion) A Wanderer In Love Poem by Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean

(a) 11 (Love/Passion) A Wanderer In Love

Rating: 3.5

My heart is a wanderer in love
May it ever remain so
Roaming in the pathless land
In a caravan
Just going where the winds blow...

Sometimes rendered miserable
Blown in all directions
In search of my eternal love fable
Inspite of all defections
Always singing the song of love....

Longing for the moon
Searching in the dunes
Will only be still when it becomes crystal
That there is no breath left
For me to fulfill.....

Catastrophe King 30 August 2007

My Response TO: A Wanderer In Love She did let her heart meander in love; And, that’s how she wished it remain! She let her heart move in procession; As winds blew over the trail-less land! She portrayed her heart as wretched; Just ruthlessly blustered in all ways! She experienced her heart’s rare search; For that everlasting & true legendary love! She knew many blemishes of her heart; Yet, she did intone on the very love’s ode! She always had heart yearning the moon; And, wandered the desert, digging dunes! She knows that until her ghost is given up; This chase wouldn’t end, yet to be realized!

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Melvina Germain 07 May 2007

Longing for Love, wondering when will it happen to me. One day it will take you by surprise like a flower bursting to bloom. Excellent poem Tranquil.--Melvina--

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Ruby Root 05 September 2006

Hi Tranquil, It will come when your least expecting it and it will be so wonderful. Excellent poem, Take care. Don't give up....

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Geoff Warden 05 September 2006

an excellent contradiction....as love is........

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Nalini Hebbar 05 September 2006

Longing for the moon Searching in the dunes...TO this is so sad...and beautiful...love...nalini

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