A Contradiction Of Sorts Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

A Contradiction Of Sorts

A contradiction of sorts
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
It is ironic that PM Justin Trudeau who apologized for Canada's past wrongdoings
Towards people of visible minorities, the LGBTQ community, etc
Has been found in what is considered as a racist act
But personally, although he does, on deliberation, make me a little tearful,
I don't think he has feet of clay
Although his past foolish acts may cost him another term in office;

This brings me to both CBC's The National and Don Lemon tonight on CNN
Which reported that Justin Trudeau had worn deep brown make-up to portray Alauddin
As a 29 year old teacher and did the same in a Talent show in high school where he sang a Jamaican folk song, Dayo
Thoughtless acts which are tantamount to donning the costume of a traitor
For thus far he has been the champion of equality between races, genders, etc;

On a different level, I have skeletons in my own closet,
Not on a global level but on a personal level
Which do tarnish the image of the devoted wife that I am
And am forgiving
And as highlighted on both TV shows, he has apologized for his actions
And taken responsibility for the crime of foolish misconduct;

There are people out there who have high standards from their leader
And say that as a school teacher, he should have known better
And I say that this is true to a certain extent
The Globe and Mail has defined this act of supposed racism
As stereotyping brown skinned people who because of the colour of their skin
Are denied equal status at work and other areas;
And I believe that by ridiculing them in this heedless manner
He is belittling their suffering over the ages
I asked the Prime Minister to dress up as Martin Luther King Jr. for Halloween
And say that he " has a dream that one day his children will not be judged by the colour of their skin
But by the content of their character".

In the same breath, I tried to ask Chris Rock to dress up as Justin Trudeau
And do Saturday Night Live or a late night show
And say: I am Justin Trudeau who does not do voodoo
But believes in that old black magic
I am about the SNC-Lavelin affair
Where I did the right thing in the wrong way
I am about groping a young lady
When I was also young so she puts out,
But this is not satire from me, your poet,
I am adding that I have made your dream for a better, well, almost better Canada come true.

A Contradiction Of Sorts
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: martin luther king,racism
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