A Father's Grief Poem by Seema Jayaraman

A Father's Grief

Rating: 4.8

As I held you in my arms, sinewy of all
The anchor, to hold you secure, eternally
Promises, A Father to his child, inscribes
Etched in their souls, spelled through the eyes

This crook, most solid and sound I sold
Forever here, the mast with you sheltered
I will stand aground, rooted, so no harm dare stray
No wind and no tide, no destiny could prise

To catch, console, when you stumble and stray,
A rough carees here, a gruff lulaby for Baby whimpers
For you the harbor of my shoulders, I carved
To groom you in a better image,
My sail tattered I unfurled

In the rocking ceaseless tossing, evil willfully designed
Banshee winds, towering seas, bloodied land left behind
Through waters that had beckoned, the only route
To freedom, a passage to future bright,
Other far off avenues denied

When the ship’s shepherd, threw away the steer
Swindled again, deceived humanity, the enormity of black scape
Wheels I held - the last fight, your savior Me to deliver
With only a prayer – Daddy Be Safe, upside down I realized

I felt you slip, surrendered, the nightmare, that never should be
All I held dear, in that dark moment, snatched from me
Desperate souls in black night, in darker depths drowned in treachery, dreams asunder perished onboard, destiny n'vr agreed

We were tricked, deceit craftily snitched, my life
My bubble, My froth, My fizz – All I ever hoped to be
That moment, eternity merged with Now and never, all denied
God welcomed his light, Earth and humanity left bereft

Yet to this wild, all undeserving zombie – Men
A reminder, to heed, to heal and apologize
Look my brother, the treacherous waters, did concede
A most delicate & tender shell, that once held a cherub inside

That which mother of all mothers could not hold
From her dark churning depths, she returned from her womb
Rocking on thundering waves, so gently a shining pearl
Ashore a wet tear swept golden shore, she gave
Now to the arms of human race I forsake

Witness my baby, my babies fragile, nary a delicate hair askew,
Nor the clothes worn or shoes, in place their angelic glow
For those with heart to weep, lesser beasts to repent
I carry the corpse of my being, weighed down by empty shoulders

©Seema Jayaraman, Mumbai (Sep 2015)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: father
My homage to Mr. Kurdi and his family, I tried to deny and suppress, but these words just refused to die, so I have allowed them forth raw, today unedited, I apologize....My dear lil babies, myself a mother of two lil boyz, this loss is beyond comprehension...

finally u r with light with what we call God with peace n all encompassing luv. We want to apologise for the horror n distress that drove ur family to flee in an over crowded boat..the painful moments that snatched u fm the arms of ur protectors ur beloved parents....we want to apologise for what we hv allowed to turn this earth into..in the name of religion, in the name of greed, in the name of intolerance, in the name of limited resources, in the name of superiority, in the name of color, in the name of violence....we want to apologise for the evil that burnished your homeland into a gallery of death and destruction...a cause which fights for the sake of everything except that which makes this earth a liveable harmonious place...some of us still look at the light shinning in your eyes and sigh with grief at the loss and the larger invisible slow extinction of humanity looming over us..peace be with u.

I wish there was more I could do and offer, all I do is offer you these frail words and my prayers.
Rajmohan Kp 09 September 2015

Brilliant, , , hard hitting and heart wrenching

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Seema Jayaraman 09 September 2015

Thanks Raj, appreciate your time and comments.

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Valsa George 09 September 2015

We all have been shocked by the tragedy that befell on the Kurdi family in which a little boy Aylan and his brother with their mother got drowned, while fleeing from terror in an over crowded boat! Seema, you have so poignantly brought out the incident and expressed in powerful words your moral indignation over the spawning hatred growing between countries and the escalating violence in the name of religion and supremacy! I had to read and re read this many times to get the full impact and meaning of this stunning write!

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Bri Edwards 16 November 2015

do you want the title with Fathers or Father's in the showcase? i'm putting it in now with Fathers as i just noticed it. bri :)

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Bri Edwards 16 November 2015

and thanks for the Poet's Notes. :)

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Charl Cilliers 08 November 2015

You have a great heart of compassion, Seema

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Seema Jayaraman 08 November 2015

Thank you Charl for visting and your encouraging comment, have a few more musings which you most likely will like..Why Blame Me A Blood Moon, Dawns Aural littany and a spate of haikus. Thanks

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Edward Kofi Louis 03 November 2015

Promises! ! But, with hope. Nice work. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Seema Jayaraman 08 November 2015

Welcome Edward, glad you enjoyed. Thanks.

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Mary Mc Creath 18 October 2015

Touching and heartrending. The spelling correction is changing the words I type

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