A Horny Tale Poem by George Hunter

A Horny Tale

There was a cow from Californy
Who was very, very horny.
He wasn’t sexy, instead
Two biggies grew from his head
Say, this rhyme is getting corny.

It’s what they call a longhorny steer
In places afar from here
Where it’s said they feed
On the jimson weed
And it makes them crazy I fear

The weed it drives them nuts
And it makes them into sluts.
If you believe this story
For you I feel sorry
‘Cause you must be some kinda putz

Don’t believe everything you read
And nothing that you ain’t seed
It’s just a joke
From an old cowpoke
Who’s gotten to old to breed.

With his friends he likes to screw
Put their brains into a stew
Tear their minds asunder
And make them wonder
If he should change his brand of brew.

Cynthia Buhain-baello 04 August 2009

I really like this one, so skillfully crafted...wish I could write this way.

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. . 06 June 2009

George, please whip up another brew for us! Your concoctions are too much fun!

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Pandian Angelina 05 June 2009

You Brand of Brew is uniquely yours, I should say, George, not many Have a knack with words, as you do. Your brew is a blend of humor, The funnies, a bit of the limerick, A dash of satire sometimes And some wholesome good Eyeopening ideas for life! Brewer brew some more for me! George, I like it strong with less sweetening Affly, Angel

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