A Lover’s Optimism Poem by Abhay Vignesh Liginlal

A Lover’s Optimism

Rating: 5.0

When will we meet again?
Ages have fled since you left,
I have been roaming from shore to shore
To set my mind free into the sky of time,
But I keep coming back to my nest
As the world around me remains the same
Like my love for you;

Each day I am lulled to sleep by memories
About just this love
They drown me in a flood of emotions,
I set to motion my quill, to retrace my lost days
The future is covered by a blanket of mystery, darkness;
Where have you been all these years?
When will we meet again?

I have arrived at the summit today
The eternal sun of love is burning at the zenith,
The forest keeps whispering my secrets to the wind
The birds carry them in their flights to alien shores
My love alone has coloured with purpose, my days on earth
The dewdropp tries to emulate the river
Just as the poet in me tries, to trap this love within lines;

I keep following your footprints, left in my memories
Though I keep retracing my past you are nowhere in this shore,
I have to try and emulate the husband
Who has lost his wife and marries again,
While the husband should try to copy me
Yet my love will cease to exist if fulfilled.

Cristina Teodor 04 May 2011

You showed in your poem the power of love that never cease, never despair and always keep hoping 'when will we meet again? '. Romantic verses 'the forest keeps whispering my secrets to the wind', 'i keep following your footprints, left in my memories' that gets to the depths of the heart's reader.A well penned poem..Cristina Teodor

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Ata Ata 29 March 2011

So beautifully about love optimism, tfs

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