A Picasso Poet Style: Mind Doodling Poem by Terence George Craddock

A Picasso Poet Style: Mind Doodling

I had written the poem 'Cultivating Universal Wisdom Seeds';
expecting no one would read it, or like it, just a few fleeting
thought images, written in a Picasso poet style, mind doodling;

an eternal child verse playing, on a warm summer beach running,
with an offshore free wind dancing; warm bare sun kissed skin stopping;
to write a few words lines in tidal wet sand with a beach driftwood,

stick sun dried salt touched, wanting to write words;
unexpectedly the poetess Rose Marie Juan-austin had written
'A beautiful poem with wonderful poetic expressions

and great imagery. Very inspiring'; praise for a poem written fast;
without thought then forgotten, to at least one poetic mind inspiring,
so I took a weave of words into cupped sun warmed hands blew in;

a warm breath of inspiration; then wrote
'Immense Shoals Silver White Bait Sparkling';
words a river surge tidal flow ecstatic with

'immense shoals silver clear white bait sparkling
surge rush post flood incoming high tide running';
in my mind still youth memory catching 'in baited

breath trawling wide net... catching catching
catching silver clear fresh landed on river bank
in white sheen nets wriggling white bait in gloss

mist water droplets sun sparkling'; I could have let
words migrate in sky wind currents; but the joy joy joy
of white baiting in spring tide youth memories ecstatic

memory was past spent time calling calling calling

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Inspired by a little reflection on a comment on my poem 'Cultivating Universal Wisdom Seeds', by the poet Rose Marie Juan-austin. Dedicated to the poet Rose Marie Juan-austin. Original version of the split images 'Fleeting Joy Lived Poetic Intensity', 'Thought Images Script Written Swift', 'For The Joy Of Writing', 'An Eternal Child Sunbeam Verses Playing', 'I Took A Weave Of Words' and 'Riding Curiosity To Mystic Places', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in May 2024 on the 15.5.2024.
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