A Scene, With Birds Poem by Daniel Brick

A Scene, With Birds

Rating: 5.0

Afeeder sways
gently in a breeze,
fresh rainwater fills it.
Beside it, a rusty pole is
fixed in the muddy ground.

Overhead a few birds
along their migratory path.
They are tardy travelers,
having postponed departure
for two weeks. They are

cautious birds, not scavengers
like blue jays, not tricksters
like crows. They are necessary
creatures, whose flight sustains
the harmony of sky and land.

I could readily join them, slipping
into flight with ease and coasting
on air currents, far above the dust-
deluged surface. A few of them descend,
and splash in the rainwater...
Then they ascend.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: birds,flying,nature
Soran M. H 28 September 2020

I could readily join them, slipping into flight with ease and coasting

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Glen Kappy 14 September 2020

Daniel, of your new ones I chose to read this first because I just posted a poem about a bird. I like the simplicity of this and relate to your wanting to join the birds in flight. I'm puzzled by a feeder filled with rain water. Maybe my knowledge of feeders is too limited. -Glen

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M Asim Nehal 09 September 2020

Nature delights in its all ways. The birds that are flying overhead are tardy and enjoying their long flight, I can see a V formation in your oem like those disciplined migratory birds forms. Your poem came live in front of my eyes, birds descending and with a splash they few back Awesome imageries...100+++ Hope all is fine with you my friend. Stay safe.

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