A Simile Poem by Matthew Prior

A Simile

Rating: 2.8

Dear Thomas, didst thou never pop
Thy head into a tin-man's shop?
There, Thomas, didst thou never see
('Tis but by way of simile)
A squirrel spend his little rage
In jumping round a rolling cage?
The cage, as either side turn'd up,
Striking a ring of bells a-top?--

Mov'd in the orb, pleas'd with the chimes,
The foolish creature thinks he climbs:
But here or there, turn wood or wire,
He never gets two inches higher.

So fares it with those merry blades,
That frisk it under Pindus' shades.
In noble songs, and lofty odes,
They tread on stars, and talk with gods;
Still dancing in an airy round,
Still pleas'd with their own verses' sound;
Brought back, how fast soe'er they go,
Always aspiring, always low.

Jay Lung 30 January 2005

I don't get it..... Not Appropriate poem ' ...

3 2 Reply
balls 69 16 September 2022


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Adeline Foster 27 November 2007

Poor Rainulf Pineda, he didn’t get it. Like the squirrel in his cage going round and round but getting nowhere. So like the majority of poems on this site that seem to be going nowhere with a tired old theme. And then there comes a poem like this one that sums it all up. Worth more than a 3. Adeline

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Edward Kofi Louis 15 January 2017

A mile! ! A smile. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Tom Allport 15 January 2017

compared to a squirrel we be not half as clever as he?

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kkkkkkkkk 31 August 2018

that's so cute...………...I like your voice come over lets do stuff in the bed mine is big

1 1 Reply
panda lover 28 30 January 2018

great poem..................best ever.............................................................

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Bernard F. Asuncion 15 January 2017

Nice poem........thanks for sharing.......

4 5 Reply

Could the squirrel represent thoughts that scramble about in our mind before it becomes something solid- liked or unliked?

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Sylvaonyema Uba 15 January 2017

Nice preamble. Good use of Apostrophe at the opening. Sylva-Onyema Uba

6 3 Reply
Matthew Prior

Matthew Prior

Dorset / England
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