A Tribute To A Doctor Poem by Jaishree Nair

A Tribute To A Doctor

Rating: 5.0

A witness to a noble deed;
Honouring a great personality
Simple and humble his nature
Holy and noble his mission.

Gifted with the magic touch of healing
The God -send of thousands
Service to humanity his motto;
Wise and skilled with experience

His aversion to flattery-well known
His mercy and kindness- infinite
A blessing to the ailing sorrowful

His mesmeric magical touch
Enough to rejuvenate the tormented
Many he prised away from doom
To live their lives to the full.

Gratitude surging and bubbling forth
No words to express
such selfless dedication and service

Just my heart on a platter
I lay at his feet

Friday, October 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: gratitude
M Asim Nehal 25 October 2015

Nice tribute to Doctors, I liked it.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 23 October 2015

A great tribute to a doctor who has selfless service and dedication nicely presented. Thanks for sharing. - - - - 10

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Valsa George 23 October 2015

A great tribute! He is what a doctor should be..... Diligent, committed, compassionate with a healing touch and humble and indifferent to flattery or praise! What more does he need to draw love and respect from his patients!

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