...Abrupt Musings...[a Dedication] Poem by Sarvesh Kulkarni

...Abrupt Musings...[a Dedication]

Rating: 4.2

…and drenched in the incompleteness
of my own cognitions,
its you that I’m overwhelmed with.
and overdone with my own
random musings in this indelible ink,
I am left with the same incompleteness that is you..

you are a hollowness that isn’t….
and you are a fullness that is all…

R. Manoj Mohan 07 August 2009

good one.............

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Vaibhav Pandey 10 August 2009

an amazing write my friend....last two lines were simply fantastic....10

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Indira Babbellapati 10 August 2009

hey, what's up, sarvesh?

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Miriam Maia Padua 27 August 2009

lovely thoughts.. abrupt musing...brilliant enough wonderful words of dedication touching lines.... 10+++ lovelots, Maia

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Ted M 21 August 2009

A sweet dedication. Incomplete without. Lovely words...

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Ritty Patnaik 16 August 2009

whats up sarvesh! it is a beautiful dedication....we are all wondering about your abrupt musings! jokes apart, its a beautiful write, as always and i enjoyed it. ritty

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Kesav Easwaran 15 August 2009

Fullness and Nothingness are complete in their own...infact both these are one and the same...beyond cognition...infinity and zero- we call them as we try to measure them using modern methods...good poem...deep and meaningful...10

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Maitreyee Joshi 11 August 2009

is it to be in so much love that u are complete yet always incomplete.i liked the feel of it.

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