Maia Padua

Maia Padua Poems

You came into my life
When I was so young
You witnessed my growing up
Shared my innocence

While mirthful breeze travels
To the unknown
Heavenly rays slowly glow
Soothing a soul, a soulful bliss

Sitting silently beside the sleepy shore
Eyes staring blankly, thoughts drifted away
Pondering on the sweet and warm kisses we've shared
and all those words of love that brightens my day...

I saw you walking towards me
Grinning, smiling as if you knew me
With confidence you lend your hand
Asking me if you could be my man.

You are
My rainbow skillfully painted above the sky,
Making me glance and leave a sweetest smile,
Making me walk with hope even a hundred miles,

Heart waited, time framed
For a wonderful, strange feelings
To see the flashing bulbs, the flickering lights
The twinkling stars, the dazzling moonlight

The world is torn apart
Peace is so evasive
Lost is hope; love is
Astray in this maddened world

For my friends, all my beloved readers
For Ate Meggs....especially for Naidz

God leads us to you,

A music box;
Softly wrapped,
Skillfully crafted,
Fashioned with care,

After drizzle falls
Somewhere in the greenish fields
Violets blossom

If you stare into my eyes,
Will you see my love for you?
If you look at my lips,
Will you know all my words

for my friends,

Without you,
Days seems so dark and gloomy

Words came like falling leaves of autumn
Slowly touch its body to the soft ground
Until when it will lay there?
Until hurt fly like dust, blown by soft wind.

Sultry wind, I seek for you
Yes, there you are by the shore
I read history of yonder wind
Rain sizzles by summer

Sitting in a melancholy room
Thoughts drifted afar
Eyes expressionless, staring blankly
Across the open window

If not in a monastery,
Where should I be?
Aside from poetry,
What else would make happy?

Gone are the days of love letters
Of long-stemmed roses and chocolates
Gone are those sweet words uttered
As if your lips were closed and sealed.

Through my eyes
Unspoken voice of infinite love be seen
Soothing like rainbow in the crimson sky
Great longing, unveiled

A chance
God have given us
A life to cherish, a life to nourish
A chance to live to its fullest.

while we live
let's take the chance
to see the beautiful sights
woke up at dawn

Maia Padua Biography

(hellO, beloved readers; poets and visitors...thank you so much for visiting....) simply maia.(certified PAULINIAN) _product of Recoletos School & St. Paul's University) not a poet but has love on poetry since early part of her life....Loves drawing and painting, loves reading, writing stories and composing poems according to her heart's desire and mood, loves nature, flora and fauna, goes for love songs, Gospels/devotional, loves teaching catechism to little children, community service, cooking, social work, joyriding-racing, likes scrabble, text twist, bookworm, plays volleyball, badminton and chess... Spent her childhood with her pen, with her pastel, and her thoughts...' and cant simply leave her poetry...her hand, mind and heart crave for it...' ..engage in private projects for the less fortunate children in their education, supplemental feeding for malnourished children in her area with the help of her friends and help from some softhearted persons... my motto? 'watch your thoughts for they become your words for they become actions, watch your actions for they become your habit...develop your habit for it will become your character, develop your character and it will become your destiny....'have a great life with a destiny of your own... ****** maia and her words ******* ...mylotdigest ...yahooanswers ...poem-n-verse http: // id=Snow Padua)

The Best Poem Of Maia Padua

Until Now (I Love You)

You came into my life
When I was so young
You witnessed my growing up
Shared my innocence
I love you without pretense.

You occupied my mind
You conquered my heart
Every second, every minute
Every hour, everyday of my life
I am with you, you are with me
Together we spend night and day.

I can not leave you, I know
You color my world, you completed my life.
They may call me a fool,
But you are a part of me,
Together we will always be.

We cried together when I felt so lonely
You smile with me when I am happy
You bear with me in my sleepless nights
Dream with you in our own plight
Together we faced the joy and sorrow
Promised to build our bright tomorrow.

I cherish those moments I spent with you
Laughter and tears we shared together
Life without you is meaningless and bitter
No one can ever take you away from me
We'll die in each others arms and our memory
I have loved you
Until now I LOVE YOU, my dear POETRY!

Maia Padua Comments

Ofelia Pantino 20 November 2009

Good Day! I'm Ofie of Talitha Foundation and we received your message in our message board in our website, this is Miriam right? We just updated the website and we would like to inquire about the said donation in the message board. Pls. be courteous to contact us either in my email: or call us in the office at #7488896(manila area) or in our mobile #09093148953. thanks and God Bless!

12 1 Reply
Miriam Maia Padua 07 November 2011

Muchas gracias....Estoy realmente agradecido a mi amigo de Argentina por ser tan amable de traducir mi poema en español que no soy bueno demasiado.Si sólo conozco muy bien español, entonces puedo hacer poemas en español... pero esta muestra sólo es un hombre generoso, dispuesto a compartir su talento también.

12 1 Reply
Theorem Thetruthserum 07 November 2011

Great poems...touching..and we can learn a lot...

11 1 Reply
Papper Summer 06 December 2012

Hi! Im Papper, Can you help me? I love poems also, I have an collection of my poems but I want sale it.... Can I income here if I post it or just for free only.............................

8 2 Reply
Sunil Kumar 05 November 2011

mi espanhol no es tan bueno pero quisiera decir le que la poesia suya es bella.......y el pensamiento toca emociones universal

8 1 Reply
Adrian Antique 25 April 2022

You are in love! And that is good. Because I believe LOVE is the essence of poetry. Without that passion for weaving words, without that zest for wonder that comes from the heart, all is lost. And LOVE is your true language - because that's who you are - a poet.

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p.a. noushad 10 May 2015

Dear Maia Padua, I like your enchanting verses very much.

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Abegail Kyla Bilan 17 January 2015

Hello, I'm Abegail. I had to admit that for the first time I'd seen your name under the 'Popular Poets', I instantly clicked it out of curiosity since you're also a Filipino and it's my first time to see a Filipino's name in this site. Honestly, at first, I thought that you're someone not worth of anyone's praise but I swallowed my words and thoughts as I read others' comments about you. ALL POSITIVE. I am less interested with the titles of your other poems but one remains in my mind. There's this poem that is posted at your poems and its first two stanzas are displayed. LOVE REMAINS. LOVE DO REALLY REMAINS. Every word that I read hits me and is very accurate. There's this EFFECTIVENESS in it. Alam mo yung feeling na TAGOS! ? WEW. May pinanghuhugutan kumbaga and the best time to write and bear a poem is when you really relate your heart, soul, and life in your writings. Nice works, Maia :))

5 1 Reply
Miriam Maia Padua 26 June 2013

Jay, Thank you for the appreciation... Glad your here to share your thoughts...weird or sweet it may be, its always and art... Write poems as you love to strum your guitar......When you play guitar by your heart, you also write poems from your heart.... Just scribble all your feelings.....

9 2 Reply
Jay S 25 June 2013

She is a beautiful sweet soft spoken creative and very talented person. And I badly need her help..: D guide me Maia, i wanna give a direction to my weird thoughts.

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