Aloha Annie (Part 6) Poem by Dee Daffodil

Aloha Annie (Part 6)

Rating: 5.0

***This is part six of a seven part is suggested that you read the 'Just a Gumshoe' series first, followed by parts 1 to 5 of this series poem, before reading part 6. I hope you enjoy! ! ***

He was just about to press the cigarette
Into her cheek...
When she noticed
That the warehouse had filled with light...

'I'm thinking that wouldn't be
One of your better moves! '

Sam had entered, and held this stranger
Tightly within the sights of his pistol...

'In fact...I'm thinking you should untie the lady! '

'Ahhh...well...if it isn't Mr. Snow!
I wondered wher you had gotten to...
I lost your trail not long after you skipped out on us!
I hate to admit that...but...
Apparently you are good at what you do! '

'Let her go! '

'No...I don't think so...
I'm being paid very well to take either her...
Or her old man's money back to him! ! '

'You won't be going anywhere if you don't let go of her! '

'Hehe...ohhh c'mon...tough guy...
We both know that you won't shoot me...
Way too messy! !
Pretty tough to get off this island
If you do something like that! '

'Maybe might be right...
So I thought I would just turn you over
To some of my friends in high places instead! ! '

Three S.W.A.T officers enter the warehouse...
Fully prepared to launch a round or two...
Right into the middle of Jones' forehead!

He weighed his options...and his odds...
And didn't really like either...
He pushed Dawn away from him...
And then quickly made a dash for the rear door...
A hail of bullets...
Stopped him in his tracks...

'Funny' thought Sam...
'I didn't think you would be leaving the island! '

To Be Continued...(part 7)

Dee Daffodil (HW) August 1,2

Diane Violet 15 August 2008

I did enjoy reading this Dee, very suspenseful and worth the wait! ! !

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