Alone Iam Alone In Alone Island Poem by Mohammed AlBalushi

Alone Iam Alone In Alone Island

Rating: 3.9

Alone iam alone in alone island
Alone mew on alone palm tree in alone island
Alone shark surrounding alone island
Alone boat far away from alone island
Alone iam dying alone in alone island
Alone iam alone in alone island

Vinod Kumar 22 January 2009

It is Horibble for surviving alone, but in the heart there should be God, so lonliness is no problem, thank you dear Poet to sharing the good work.10++

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Honest Heart 14 March 2009

well done…I loved this one….keeeeeeeeep writing

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Surayya Abbas 10 April 2009

Lonliness is a good friend.Very nice

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Alone iam dying alone in alone island Alone iam alone in alone island do u think life seems to be along for us and we have to alone... beautiful theme.. i liked it....`0 read mine u go alone..... prayer, humblee submission and miss i miss u

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Harindhar Reddy 10 November 2011

A good poem with lot of thought to ponder upon......

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Dave Dafes 08 March 2011

This poem is a reminder of the bitter truth that we are all alone in this world... This is a very nice poem short and brief..

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Patrick A. Martin 07 September 2009

I changed my island into a garden and invited everyone to visit. Now I'm never alone. Lonliness and Islands sure seem to go together.10 from me

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Hebert Logerie Sr. 11 August 2009

We are always psychologically alone in or on island.

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Surya . 21 July 2009

are you suffering from an island phobia. any way you have scared me enough. voted10 surya

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