Are You Truly Happy? Poem by Tears of sorrow ...

Are You Truly Happy?

Rating: 3.9

Is one able to smile when told to?
Is one truly happy with their life as it is right now?
Can you smile when asked if you are happy?
One can say he is content with life.
Yet there is that thought that lingers on his mind.
'I am content, but not happy.'
Yet if he were to say such a thing
He would be looked upon ungrateful when he truly is not.
Yet he has no choice but to lie those around him.
And put on a fake smile when it's truly a frown.
Do you not feel that empty void in your heart? In your life?
As each passing day goes by
As time moves forward without a care.
Same old routine, sky is blue and trees are green.
I ask again.
Can you smile when asked are you happy?

Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 06 June 2010

Simple questions but answers are difficult … 'I am content, but not happy.'…tale of many ‘…he has no choice but to lie those around him.’ Well rejecting choice why but? To live on ‘chance’ ‘…fake smile when it's truly a frown.’…masking is the trend of the day …insecurity? …of what? A fab poetry with a tab 10/10 Ms. Nivedita UK PS Cordially invite to my page and comment if please...of late read your poetry and today one n

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Koffi B Sossou 05 May 2024

sadly true.

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Paul Butters 13 November 2011

Too true. Fine write.

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Timothy Boswell 18 July 2010

Spell check on emepty? ? ? 11th line...other than that, I get from your write that you think the word happy is a farce? ? ?

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Gan Chennai 30 June 2010

A Touching poem, Direct from your Heart.We have to understand some facts in Life. A part in us always like to feel Sorrowful. The Irony is it feels Happy to be Sorrow. It is quite usual in everyone, when one feels isolated. You have brought out the same thro' your poem.

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Ken E Hall 20 June 2010

So happy everything is going my way for I make it that is too short to spoil it...Make my funeral happy like a wedding yes even wrote that poem! liked your poem it opens a can of lots of beings unhappy, regards

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Tears of sorrow ...

Tears of sorrow ...

I was born in darkness
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