Attention To Titles Of Honour (Part-16) Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

Attention To Titles Of Honour (Part-16)

Rating: 5.0

Offering our sacred prayer before God,
Wishing you all the best for your fortune,
Before the arrival of Christmas and New Year,
Today on the twenty-second day of December,
I am presenting the sixteenth list of titles,
Attention you pay oh dear fellow poet friends,
Oh dear visitors and people, you pay attention!
Here is the sixteenth list of titles of honour,
After working very hard for this mission
We have brought up this list honouring poets,
I am glad presenting this before the festival,
Creating new historic moment you move ahead,
This is the poem of notification published,
We hope you all will love our titled poets!

We offer a title of honour to poetess
Marie Shine as, Sacred Sermon!

We offer a title of honour to poet
Royston Allen as, Blessed Orison!

We offer a title of honour to poet
David Dale Kush as, Crowned Certainty!

We offer a title of honour to poet
Orlando Belo as, Cordial Corona!

We offer a title of honour to poet
Gary James Smith as, Blessed Power!

We offer a title of honour to poet
John Sensel as, Optimistic Victor!

We offer a title of honour to poet
Matloob Bukhari, as, Melodic Intuition!

We hope, you all will feel glad definitely
Getting this list as gift of Christmas,
My emotion flows towards God through you,
Glitter of sacredness is blessed by father,
We are indebted, grateful and thankful to him,
By mercy of our eternal father we dwell,
By his kind power and values he has gifted
This most powerful poetic ability to write
And sing his glory across the globe,
Oh dear titled poets, you have glorified him,
Through your poetic talent and selfless service,
Surrendering before him with due respect,
Oath is given and taken for truth and love
And this list is declared as written history,
Oh dear poets, getting God's grace you lead!

© Kumarmani Mahakul,22 December 2018. All rights reserved.

Saturday, December 22, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poetic expression,poets,social,tribute
Marie Shine from Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland; Royston Allen from, Reading, United Kingdom, poet David Dale Kush from South Bend, Indiana, United States; Orlando Belo from Derby, England; Gary James Smith from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada; John Sensele from Ndola, Zambia and Matloob Bukhari from Pakistan are conferred titles of honour and this poem is written as a poem of notification cum historic declaration in Odisha, India on this date of 22 December 2018.
Dogma Daniman 22 December 2018

You have presented a nice list after a gap. I hope all the poets in list will be happy for the titles. They rightly deserve for such honor. I congratulate all poets in list. Thanks for sharing.

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Susheela Shiju 22 December 2018

wow! what a pleasant Christmas gift! Kumarmani Sir, I enjoy reading your works! 10++++ for you Hearty congratulations for all the poets who are in the list...God richly bless you!

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Milan Panda 22 December 2018

Wow! I am again pleased visiting this poem. A noble heart is reflected in this title poem. All seven poets in list are genius.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 22 December 2018

From: Orlando Belo (Derby United Kingdom) Date Time: 12/22/2018 8: 21: 00 AM (GMT -6: 00) Subject: The Importance Of Sight / 'Cordial Corona' Thank you very much for your kind comments and for being honoured, I deeply appreciate this honour it's the first time I have been awarded an honour for anything. I feel deeply touched. (Received through inbox message)

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Kumarmani Mahakul 22 December 2018

From: Royston Allen (Reading United Kingdom) Date Time: 12/22/2018 4: 49: 00 AM (GMT -6: 00) Thanks so much for your encouraging comment. On behalf of my wife and family we would like to wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas and happy New Year. (Note: Received through inbox message)

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Rebecca Navarre 02 January 2019

Ever so beautifully heart moving! .. The poetry you write shines with the beauty, heart and kindness of God reflecting in your life! .. Thank you ever so much for sharing these! ..

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Kumarmani Mahakul 27 December 2018

From: David Dale Kush (south bend United States) Date Time: 12/25/2018 3: 17: 00 PM (GMT -6: 00) Subject: Thank you kind sir Just wanted to thank you for the honor bestowed to me. I do not sit and write too write. I hear or see something and the words seem to flow. So to get this honor from you humbles me kind sir For the Lord is my Coauthor the words are not from me but come through me. (Received through inbox message)

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Mahtab Bangalee 27 December 2018

this is yours generous; magnanimous; high-minded; noble; high-spirited ink of pen which only in the world can write precious titles for honorable poem

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Dylan Chris 26 December 2018

I congratulate all poets who have got titles of honour. Every poet is a genius poet. All will love these titles. Thank you for your valuable effort.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 24 December 2018

Another wonderful tribute offered to great poets of Poem Hunter. Beautifully crafted and well executed.

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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