Be Kind To Them Poem by Randy McClave

Be Kind To Them

Because a worker makes more money then you
Don't be hateful, mean or depressed or sad and blue,
Remember for a job it was your right to choose
And every worker always wears the very same shoes.
Don't be hateful, but be happy for them
And don't wish them to drown, but help them swim,
Don't be so mad or jealous that you just wanna hit him or hit her
And please just stop being so hateful and bitter.
Remember it's not their fault that their getting paid more
You too could have applied at the very same business or store,
And instead of giving them grief and worries how about giving them praises
Especially, when they get tips and even raises.
Remember this, because they get paid more, it's not their fault
So, please stop the negativity and the verbal assault,
If any of my family or friends were making more then me
I promise you this, for them I would be happy.
Remember this, you too can also find a better job
So, please stop complaining, ridiculing or mocking, and don't sob
Remember people might need to put up with people like how you are
Just think about that, while you're looking in a tip jar.
To my friends who are working fast food restaurants of you I am proud
You always stand tall in the crowd,
And I am sorry for the costumers who might treat you really bad
But, you being good workers always makes me happy and glad.
I can understand how your job is not an easy one to hold
Especially with people being so very jealous, self righteous and cold,
As they say every person's goal is to move forward and strive
And sadly and truthfully many are just trying their very best to survive.
Be happy if a family member or a friend is making more money
Be happy, and also be sunny,
Don't bring them sadness, or hurt or pain
How would you feel, if your friends brought you dark clouds or rain.
No one is better than me, and I am most certainly better than no one
And that fact and belief of mine will always continue on,
Remember this, when jealousy and envy enters your soul and mind
Just swipe away that Devil off your shoulder, and be kind.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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