Beasts Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon


Rating: 2.8

The Protector - 4

A seven year old girl of different community
abducted and raped repeatedly
by a few ruling party members,
holding her captive in a temple.

Their cruelty and fanaticism
know no bounds, they invited
friends and relatives far and wide
to 'enjoy' the ‘other' community girl;

three long days and nights
she, a baby of just seven,
endured such inhuman torture,
then they strangled the little one.

Because she belonged to the ‘other' community.

Members of parliament
and legislative assemblies
belonging to the ruling party
came out in open, to defend
the rapist-murderer beasts.

But for the independent media
police would not even register a case;
the vigilant media chased the case
to its logical conclusion and
the beasts have been convicted.

There is a ray of hope, still!

Just fiction
Nosheen Irfan 04 June 2023

Terrible things happen in this world. Humans can be worse than beasts. To speak for the wronged is a poet's highest achievement. Bravo!

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I had posted a rejoinder to the comment of Nosheen Irfan here. But it has vanished. Can ph help us

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Nosheen, all this happens in "democracy" and under the rule of a government that has come to power in the name of Ram, the Maryaada Purushotham. Thank you, Nosheen for identifying yourself with the cause

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 03 June 2023

A powerful and incisive write. Well expressed and presented.

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Thank you, Rose Marie. I have written it with the ink of my heart. My heart bleeds

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 03 June 2023

Leaders who could tolerate this barbaric act must be condemned and must leave serving the people. They don't deserve their seats in the government.

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I can understand your anger, Rose Marie

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 03 June 2023

So deeply poignant and revolting! My heart goes out to the little girl of such a tender age.A rape committed to a child is beyond devil and he must be given a death penalty..

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You are right Rose Marie. But independence of judiciary is a myth even in this democracy. This is not a democracy, but a banana republic…

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The media persons followed the episode very closely and boldly in spite of threats to their life.

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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