The breeze whistles through the mopani leaves
The lone bat flying merrily in the open skies
Drums sounding in orchestra-like in the moonlit evening
Dancers gyrating their waists under the glare of the moon
Yes, beautiful people singing songs of love
Dancing to the rhythm of love and joy
Let us go back to the future where love exists
Where the quality of life is not measured by the quantity of material possession
Let us return to the future where human blood is sacrosanct
The future the land of honour, fairness and justice
I desire that future where rivers flawed with clean water and the vegetation green
It is the human greed that has dumped the glaciers into the pages of history.
Beautiful people have drums instead of bombs
Beautiful people have plough shares instead of guns
The sound of drums and song mellows the heart of those troubled.
Beautiful people take to the dance floor with song and laughter.
Let us march back to the future where life is serene and beautiful
The song is relentless in my mind and so it goes on and on….
Phillip Nine Mafunga
23 September 2019
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem