Beauty Of Ageing Poem by Khairul Ahsan

Beauty Of Ageing

Rating: 5.0

Our facial shine gradually wanes
As youth fades away,
We plod on with subdued pains
That sometimes heavily weigh!

The shine fades but a beauty grows
Quietly in the inner hearts,
Of that concealed shine no one knows
Up until s/he speaks to us.

When we are young our eyes are sharp
But cannot see things in the areas grey,
Our minds are shallow and cannot read
Beyond what our eyes would say.

With ageing, our eyes get blurred
But our inside vision broadens wide.
We mostly see the beauty inward
Rather than what is shown outside.

Copyright Reserved
14 August 2018

Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life
With ageing, our inner beauty enhances. Some can see it, some cannot.Everybody is ageing every moment. Nobody minds doing so, until s/he reaches a certain point in life, when ailments and accompanying gloom start surfacing. My poem is for them to see (and bear with) ‘the beauty' of ageing and tide over the melancholy with grace. That with ageing our inner beauty enhances, can be noticed by some and cannot by others.
Valsa George 15 August 2018

So true! With age we lose our bodily strength and the glitter of our eyes..... but our inner eyes get better vision and we are able to see things and surroundings in a better light! A mature perspective on life!

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Khairul Ahsan 15 August 2018

You have brilliantly summarized my poem in most appropriate words. Thank you, @Valsa George. I've just read your philosophical poem 'Thoughts Whispered Into Air' and felt myself greatly motivated.

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Savita Tyagi 20 August 2018

With ageing, our eyes get blurred But our vision inside widens wide. We mostly see the beauty inward Rather than what is shown outside. So true. Wisdom of age reflects beautifully in these lines. Thank you for sharing.

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Khairul Ahsan 20 August 2018

Delighted to have you comment on my poem, dear poet. Thanks for your appreciative words. @Savita Tyagi.

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Anil Kumar Panda 14 August 2018

A beautiful poem on getting old. The shines on face may diminish but the heart inside begins to shine more. Nice poem indeed. enjoyed its smooth flow and rhyming. Thanks for sharing.10+++

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Khairul Ahsan 03 September 2020

@Jennifer Birchall, Thank you so much for reading my poem and commenting on it so thoughtfully! I am greatly inspired by your affirmation of what I have said in the poem. Inspired by the appreciation too. I have just left a comment on your beautiful poem 'Remember When'.

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Khairul Ahsan 03 September 2020

@Mihaela Pirjol, Thanks for so beautifully summarising and affirming the thoughts expressed in the poem, dear poetess. I was truly enigmated by your symbolic poem 'Enigma' which I've just read and commented on. I picked the poem for 'MyPoemList'.

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Khairul Ahsan 02 September 2020

@Aqua Flower, Thank you, dear poetess, for your generous rating and very kind comment. I know through your poems that you have a deep inner eye through which you see the beauty of things that others cannot see.

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Khairul Ahsan 02 September 2020

@Kostas Lagos, Thanks for the open hearted appreciation, dear poet. I am much delighted to have you here reading my poem and get your generous comment.

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Khairul Ahsan 01 September 2020

@Muzahidul Reza, Thanks for reading my poem and leaving a thoughtful comment here.

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