Begging Aid Poem by David Rubadiri

Begging Aid

Rating: 3.5

Whilst our children
Become smaller than guns,
Elders become big
Circus Lions
Away from home.

Whilst the manes age
In the Zoos
That now our homelands
Have become,
Markets of leftovers,
Guns are taller
Than our children.

In the beggarhood
Of a Circus
That now is home,
The whip of the Ringmaster
Cracks with a snap
That eats through
The backs of our being.

Hands stretching
In a prayer
Of submission
In a beggarhood
Of Elders delicately
Performing the tightrope
To amuse the Gate
For Tips
That will bring home
Toys of death.

Anil Kumar Panda 02 June 2019

The bitter truth. Very nicely done. Thanks for sharing.

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jim hogg 02 June 2019

Terrible truths, universally applicable, but more brutally and devastatingly so in Africa; expressed unflinchingly with great economy.

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chukwuemeka 03 May 2019

I love this poem, it was one of my favorite back then at secondary school.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 02 June 2019

Pathetic condition and the plight of the oppressed who are ruled at gun point has been narrated in an admirable clarity and anguish. A

2 1 Reply
Mahtab Bangalee 02 June 2020

Circus entertainer circus by the animals with technical toys but some day the livelihood comes with joy and some day with sorrow it's true the terrible death is hidden in the entertaining toys...............

3 0 Reply
Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 September 2021

Powerful, deeply poignant and moving poem. Superb images.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 01 July 2020

While the manes age in the zoos That now are homelands Have become. A pathetic picture of the plight of people whose homeland has been subjugated forcibly. A great poem.

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Kevin Patrick 02 June 2020

Some powerful images here, guns taller then children, homelands markets of leftovers. Provocative and haunting, glad this is a poem of the day.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 02 June 2020

The hidden side of life depicted with force and sincerity. Well deserved modern poem of the day.

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Lyn Paul 02 June 2020

The pain that is suffered is heartfelt. A moving poem.

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