Beloved Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan


Rating: 5.0

you evoked in me
and dignity

but supremacy
let that be yours

the everthing that is called manpower
let that be ours
eventhough that only lasts one shower
for that can bloom
as a blessed and sincere groom
like in Solomon´s days
unlike the thunder and the blister
they had never been brother and sister

the love that we have
is like the hearth´s flame
i present to you accompanied by God´s Holy Name
He can take away our sins
for men had sin before he sinned
after Eden´s fall
my choice was you, you endured all
now you have only to understand
this indirect reprimand

please, never ask me why
my mind is open, my heart is shy

just believe His words, beloved
as you have read about Him
as i have told you time and again
but i have faith it´s not in vain
The Bible is the most famous book on earth
it excists long before our birth

you evoked in me
not only sobriety and dignity
but the great maternity
patience got its reward
you remind me of Him
when suffering
and your patience to the brim....

©Sylvia Frances Chan

AD. Thursday the 26th of April2018
@ 5.10 hrs A.M. West-European Time
soft tender weather~~all metaphored~~
mixture of Light Cadmium Grey and Cerulean Blue

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: god,love and art,love and life
Muhammad Azram 18 November 2019

Beautifully conceived and profoundly penned

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Sylvia Frances Chan 18 November 2019

Thank you so much for your sympathetic response and ardent compliment.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 27 April 2018

Sobriety and dignity both are painted with much care in godly love in this brilliantly penned poem. God is our beloved father and we believe his words. The Bible is the most famous book on earth and this guides humanity with God's message. Having trust in God a person can win in life with much patience. This poem is excellently penned and shared...10

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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