Birds 15 - Great Knot Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Birds 15 - Great Knot

Rating: 5.0

A Great Knot was detected
at Chavakkad beach
near Guruvayur, Kerala

It bore a metallic tag
on its left leg, just like
an anklet of a dancer.

A closer look at the tag
revealed, not surprisingly
a Russian connection

It was the month of November,
when the tundra freezes
and so does Kamchatka.

For the avian was tagged
at Kamchatka peninsula
in Far East Russian Arctic

Nine thousand kilometres
it has traveled to reach
this shore on the Arabian Sea.

Great Knot is a shore-bird
Medium sized and stocky wader
that live in coastal mudflats.

a sharp whistle "kweet-kweet"
and we know it's Calidris tenuirostris
binomial name of the great knot.

The grey waterside birds
Aristotle called ‘Kalidris' and
tenuirostris means "slender bill".

Birds 15 - Great Knot
The photograph shared here is of the Great Knot detected at Chavakkad Beach on the 23rd November 2022. Please knot, excuse me, please note the metallic tag on its leg.
Alyx True Edge 22 July 2024

This is beautiful educational poetry and in nine stanzas you convey the gist of what to know and honours the species, thank you 5/5

1 0 Reply

Thank you Alyx. This poem was the POD on 26 December 2022

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 December 2022

Congratulations for having this poem chosen as Poem Of The Day. A beautiful and well thought out poem.

1 0 Reply

Thank You, Rose Marie. Great Knot is not species natural to the tropics. It lives in the Arctic. So it was a great feeing to see it here

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Rob Lamberton 27 December 2022

Enjoyed learning about the Great Knot. Thank you for your poetic teaching!

1 0 Reply

It is a great pleasure, Rob. Thank You

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Kumarmani Mahakul 26 December 2022

The grey waterside birds Aristotle called ‘Kalidris' and tenuirostris means 'slender bill'.....clarified nicely. Beautiful poem.

1 0 Reply

Great Knot is not a common bird in India and the itself not known to many. So, some additional information and clarification was necessary. Thank You, Mahakul Saheb.

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Kim Barney 26 December 2022

Very informative and interesting. Congrats on member poem of the day!

1 0 Reply

Thank you sir, for your time, reading the poem and marking your observations,

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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