Bright Star Poem by John Keats

Bright Star

Rating: 3.7

Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art-
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors-
No- yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever- or else swoon to death.

Bright Star
Allison Helman 19 April 2012

This is one of the most beautiful poems I've ever read. John Keats so fluidly describes the pain and joy of love, this sweet unrest as not opposing sides but, potential alchemic ingredients which amalgamate and stabilize with the constancy of bright star. To ... live forever or swoon to death is again all the same as a future possibility once one exists consecrated in the heightened state of Universal, Creative, Now, Love. Everything else would only be an apparent change in form not essence as illustrated by Beauty is truth, truth beauty... from Ode to a Grecian Urn but, again once alchemic, they are one and the same.

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Kelsey Clark 19 December 2012

For anyone who is deeply moved by romantic poetry, there is a movie called Bright Star that is centered on John Keats' love for a woman and their passionate but tragic love for one another. It is a lovely film. I just thought I'd share it since it makes this poem even more moving being used in a film.

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Carlos Echeverria 19 April 2012

Though it shines brightly before our eyes a star flickers as it dies and Keats' loving heart inspires this analogy into art

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Sophie Hu 20 March 2012

Keats is shining like a bright star for this poem, as well as for love, a bright star that dies not and fades not.

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Sylva Portoian 20 April 2011

I can't understand Why some unfair people put marks If they don't understand others’ stanzas... Leave for others to read and comment I think the marks should be removed... He died He doesn't need marks But His Stanzas are alive We all are enjoying... Every phrase soulfully He produced This I call it Human's unsolved confused mentality...! They attack a poet Who was born a saint... I have more to say...

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 26 July 2024

A timeless poem. So beautifully expressed. The crystalline images are so compelling! A treasure.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 26 July 2024

Most deserving Classic Poem Of The Day, chosen by Poem Hunter and Team. CONGRATS! TOP Marks 5 Stars for this Beauty

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Chinedu Dike 07 November 2022

Piece of great elegance, a great work of art

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Christopher Okiri 07 November 2022

Just as well. the poet is master.

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David Wood 07 November 2022

On of my favourite poets. He was writing about his love Fanny Brawne.

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John Keats

John Keats

London, England
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