Buried Between Two Trees Poem by jim foulk

Buried Between Two Trees

Rating: 4.8

Back home again
in the yard
I used to play in

So many memories here
of days long ago
for memories, I hold dear

Saw the grave of old shep
the dog I loved so
in this yard, he followed me every step

He's buried between two trees you see
buried him in my brand new quilt
and my mother was really mad at me

In this yard, I would bathe him
many years before
his old eyes grew dim

His bed layed by the cellar door
with tall trees, all around him
oh memories, of the dog I adored

Memories of the time
that the meter man came
he hit old shep, that wasn't very kind

This old yard, was all shep had
he guarded it with his life
when he died, I was very sad

This old yard, now has in it,
a lot of beautiful flowers, all round
between two trees, he wouldn't mind a bit.

Alison Smith 27 December 2006

So deep are the childhood memories especially of a special pet.... Alison

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Patti Masterman 04 April 2007

I can tell Shep was your best friend back then. I had a best friend too; she was Dutchess. Remodeling the other day, we tore the porch loose- and there were all those old Dutchess hairs, that fell down in the crack. Like a time capsule, it brought her fresh before my eyes again!

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Cecil (cj) Krieger 22 January 2007

Hey Jim Shep sounds like a wonderful friend... and you put it so very well... a 10

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Sandra Fowler 21 January 2007

A wonderful poem painting for your old friend Shep. I am very touched. Warm regards, Sandra

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Alison Cassidy 17 January 2007

Jim, this is a very moving memorial to your beloved Shep. I love the title and the line about your brand new quilt and the flowers that grow over the grave. These little pieces of life touch the reader and give emotional texture to the work. love, Allie xxxxxxxxxxx

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Jerry Hughes 09 January 2007

...a grand tribute to man's best friend

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jim foulk

jim foulk

des moines iowa
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