jim foulk

jim foulk Poems

Lonely are the nights
Lonely are the days
Lonely am I, in so many ways

Childhood Faded away,
to a far away land,
simple, so simple were we,
Days of Play,

As out the window,
I look, more snow today,
have only one thing to say,
take our snow please.

There are times we feel,
like giving up,
empty, drawn out,
life not worth living,

A Time to live,
a time to die,
life is like a vapor
so short and swift.

Who am I to criticize others,
I'm a poet in my own time,
my own place and my own world.
I just write what I see feel,

Do you barely see,
the sun in the sky,
when you know it's very high.

Birds of spring they
bring on so many things
sounds they send
to each other,

I can smell fall
in the air
my eyes behold
golden leaves as

Today heard a beautiful
sound, it was up in a tree,
sitting on a branch so alone,
spring is near by.

Back home again
in the yard
I used to play in

Dogs are one kind
of friend to have,
memories of them
we share in our hearts

Blue Roses Just For You,
to show my love,
desire, to hold you tight,
know this we our right.

Dad it's been twenty years,
since you have been gone now
when ever I think of you
the thought, brings tears

Drops of Poetry,
on my mind,
soaking in memories,
of things I remember,

There's always tomorrow
when you feel like giving up,
and from another day, you can borrow.

How Beautiful of birds
of the air,
seeing their awesome
wonderful flair.

So many years
ago in days
of my youth,

To many miles apart are we now
can i say i'm sorry anyhow
yesterday we talked about what happened
words were said, that should be tossed away

The Blue Dove Legend.
says it's born every hundred years,
Blue Doves are true,
and brings love.

jim foulk Biography

there is somuch to tell since i was a kid and a teenager not much has happened to me. i grew up in the 1950's which was a great time to grow up. in 1950 we got our first tv set. we were the only ones in 6 blocks that had a tv set. everyone came over to our house to watch our tv. in those days tv was not on 24 hours a day like it is now, so when you first turned the set on, all you got was a test pattern. the first tv show i saw was the kate smith show. i had this dog named shep i had him for nine years. some of the storys about him is really something. i use to take him to the movies with me, and he would wait for 3 hours until i came out and i did not tie him up. i would go to the drug store and be in there for 2 hours and he would be there when i came out. but one day he was gone, i looked all over for him but no shep. i went home for supper, but he was not there. after supper i went back up to the drug store and there he was waiting for me. he was there for at least four hours, but he thought i was still there. another time him and i were walking up the railroad tracks and he fell down this hole and got stuck, at the bottom was this creek that was about ten or fifteen feet down. i went home to get a rope and when i got back he was gone, i thought that he fell through, but he did not, i went back home no shep, i looked everywhere for him but no shep. i went back to the hole by the train tracks and there he was waiting for me. he was the best friend i had. i had very few friends but shep was my friend and helped me get through some tough times. in 1956 my family moved from grinnell iowa to des moines. there they had the big movie palaces, where my friend danny and i went every saturday afternoon. in 1962 he went and joined the army, and he was sent to viet namm. in 1977 my wife judy and i moved to denver co. a lot of things happend from 1943 until now but that is it for now.)

The Best Poem Of jim foulk

Lonely Am I

Lonely are the nights
Lonely are the days
Lonely am I, in so many ways

Lonely are the seasons
Lonely are the years
So lonely am I, that it brings tears.

Lonely is this place
Lonely is my life
Lonely am I, that I reach for a knife

Lonely is this court room
Lonely is my sentence
So lonely am I that I ask for repentance.

jim foulk Comments

Sara hines 09 March 2020

Love your poem, it spoke to me. Thank you

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Lashawanda Ivey 14 June 2007

Jim that Poem really SPOKE to me. Because I am going through a little thing call Lonliness but I kind of like it sometime I like it but I need my GRANNY but M y granny in heaven. I wish I can TALK to her,

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Anabel just Anabel 13 February 2007

hello I read your biography pretty interesting well descriptive..have you think of writting a book? take care xoxx...Anabel

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