Call For Freedom Poem by louis rams

Call For Freedom

Free at last- Free at last - thank GOD almighty we are free at last
we’ve fought for so long that we’ve become big and strong
We now have voices that can be heard in every field in our society
And that’s the way it was meant to be.
Now we must raise our voices once more so it can be heard from shore to shore.
There is still slavery going on where people are still being bought and sold
More for sexual purposes we are told.
We must raise our voices higher than ever before
So slavery will exist no more.
Women and girls are being raped in the middle east
And young girls being sold as brides - this is something they cannot hide.
They must raise their voices or create unrest to put their politicians to the test. - the voice of the people they cannot drown out
This is what your freedom is all about.
If they can not raise their voices because of fear or reprisals
Then we must create that “ shot that is heard around the world “
To protect every woman, boy or girl.
We are born with the right to be free and no one can take
That away from you and me.
People are being bought and sold on the black market every day
And as long as there is a demand - others will reach out with their greedy hands.
Let MARTIN LUTHER KING S words spread throughout every land
So that freedom they’ll understand.
© L. RAMS 100215.

louis rams

louis rams

new york city
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