*********************childrens Pain***************1979 Poem by louis rams

*********************childrens Pain***************1979

Rating: 3.2

to look upon your childs face
to hold your child in a warm embrace
to be able to soothe their aches and pains
and kiss away the falling rain.
to taste the salt from the teardrops
which never seem to want to stop.

to be able to comfort him/her when in trouble
and make it seem, like a small bubble.
to pop it within their face
and let them know it's no disgrace.
for all mankind makes mistakes.

in this world of struggle and strife
the child learns to stand and fight.
they look towards you in their hours of need.
and knows that you are a friend indeed.

give them all the love you can
for later on in life, you may need their hand.


where did you find them? you got a good heart

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Matt Mooney 31 August 2009

A well written true appreciation of childhood with a reminder to us in the last line that love has long term rewards. There is a beautiful classic song in French called 'Prendre un enfant par la main'- ('Take a child by the hand'.) .

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Deborah Cromer 31 August 2009

Beautiful! Warm and understanding, full of positve words. Your poem introduces insight into feelings. Children do feel pain and we need to take the time to recognize that. What may seem small to us, is the whole world to them. Children have it tough growing up and this poem helps us to help them. DC

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Kranthi Pothineni 31 August 2009

Once Kahlil Gibran had said in his famous book of 'The Prophet'...'You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth'.So at the end they take care of us or not is in our own hands.

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A poem that all parents should read! Such a pleasant and powerful perspective! Well done my friend!

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Louis Rams 27 July 2016

blessings my poetic brother

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Patricia Grantham 08 November 2014

I can truly relate to this poem on a personal note. My parents were very loving and caring individuals. That love was reciprocated in their golden years. Very touching and beautiful.

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Hans Vr 15 July 2010

This one is definitely among the most touching and lovely poems I have read. How many parents forget to truly enjoy the 'small' things listed in the poem while our children are young? Are we too afraid to pamper them to give them all this? It is our duty to make them caring human beings and being cared for very well as a child is a stong basis for that. If we manage to instill this caring spirit, they will most likely become adults with lots of peace of mind and as you so brightly state at the end, they will care for us in our old age as well.

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Rachel Butler 04 November 2009

'Give them all the love you can' Rachel Ann Butler

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Surya . 07 September 2009

beautiful poem, with a beautiful finish. 'give them all the love you can for later on in life, you may need their hand.' voted10 surya

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louis rams

louis rams

new york city
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