- Choices - Poem by Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet

- Choices -

Rating: 3.0

We all have a choice
to live a lie
or be ourselves
to laugh and cry
or to follow someone else

to look up and smile
or bow down and frown
to walk the whole mile
or take off our crown

We have a choice
to shout out loud
or chant a whisper
to fly through the clouds
or to be blown like paper

to conquer our fear
or hide in the shadow
to the wise words hear
or be thrown out the window

We all have a choice
to climb our highest mountain
or fall into our deepest hole
to drink from life's fountain
or live life like a troubled soul

to learn love in the heart
or grasp to hate with regret
to wake up and start
or sleep until sunset

We all have a choice
to speak truly with ourselves
or go against what seems

We all have a choice
to fulfill our greatest dreams

Shree Parno 21 October 2016

Very simple or general but important thought of our life is choice. We never neglect choice in every moment, if it is good or bad. But it expressed our mental situation or inner state of mind. Thank you very much for writing and sharing this poem.

7 6 Reply
Amitava Sur 22 June 2014

Yes very rightly you said that both the things are abundantly available around, it's our choice to choose the right thing or not.... very nice message.

8 9 Reply

Excellently expressed. Mounting the mountain of motivation. Thanks for sharing

12 6 Reply
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