Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet

Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet Poems

Even the impossible can be done
because I believe it can
the toughest challenge can be won
because I am a fighting man

(love is like)
Love is like a painting
filled with all colours and shades
love is like a bleeding heart

You are my flower
you are my sweet soft petal
hand in hand my hand

Handsome man ponder at my masculine size.
I'm not huge or toned to appeal to the judges eyes,
but when I begin to tell them
they think I'm telling lies.

Everything I see
Is poetry to me
From the last standing tree
In a lonely forest

If you were fifty feet tall, you would not go to school
the grand oceans would be your swimming pool
the hide of an elephant would be your meat
and would only take a few seconds to eat

I can see you
you can see me
and what we see

Neutrality is the balance
between bad and good
life is water...
a balance between good and bad,

Who teaches-
the song bird to sing
its chirping song
of wonderful things

The astronaut
is a privileged man
for he sees the world
from the height of its vantage point

My parents once asked me
When you grow up
What would you like to be?
An actor I said

We all have a choice
to live a lie
or be ourselves
to laugh and cry

Some say the evening sunset
is the most amazing sight
some say it is the prelude
to the calming silence of evening's fall

The bruises you gain
Will cause you pain
But Time will heal
The pain you feel

I took a walk out of the ordinary today
I didn't work, rest, nor did i play
I walked out my front door with a wish
a wish that i could walk to a chocolate land

Fear is regression
regression is pain
pain turns sweet sunshine into bitter rain
take my hand my dear

You are my life
my soul
my cure,
you are my drink

Whispers from a shadow
follow me through the street
shades of light from the moon's glow
follow my weary feet

Mysteries in the mist...
mysteries in the mist...
mysteries in the mist...

To she who stole my heart away
I'll capture the essence in truth
of that unforgettable summer day
we were surrounded by violins

Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet Biography

I started writing poetry when I was 21 as a means to not only express my emotions, but to also find an alter ego to motivate and push me to be a better version of myself. I can gladly say today that it has sure done that. I am still imperfect and have many flaws but poetry has enabled me to cultivate a growth mindset which I always do my best to strive by. I am predominantly inspired by nature, growth and inspiration in all forms. I also gain inspiration from the great poets of times ago such as Maya Angelou, Shel Silverstein and Roald Dahl. My poetry has also pushed me into creating songs, short stories, and even a book called Staying motivated in a world of increasing challenges about my philosophies on life based on my experiences and growth as a man. My goal is to inspire countless people to find their best selves. Book available here: https: // New book 'A letter from life' now available on Kindle)

The Best Poem Of Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet

*there's A Fire Burning In My Eyes*

Even the impossible can be done
because I believe it can
the toughest challenge can be won
because I am a fighting man
...there's a fire burning in my eyes,
because I'm after the prize.

Anything far-fetched can be achieved
yes, it can be done
because in truth I believe
that I am the right one
but that's no surprise,
cause' there's a fire burning in my eyes.

Anything unlikely can be overcome
in an hour of darkness
even though there exists some
who think the situation is hopeless
but my spirit never dies,
because there's a fire burning in my eyes.

My heart is ablaze
with the flame of triumph
my soul alight
with this fire of success
an eternal inferno
rages within me
and when you peer into my eyes
then you will see
the fire burning within.

...The fire burning within my eyes.

Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet Comments

Dinesan Madathil 27 June 2013

Mr Allen Steble is being now ranked as the most popular PH poet as per the rating of June 2013. He is a fine poet with a lot of insight into man`s life and his social disposition. Mr Allen, as he says, is a motivational poet with a vision for universal human love and even his humour poems have been written with a tell a tale purpose. Mr Allen`s diction is fair and simple without bombastic expressions and the multiplicity of his themes and universality of his philosophy of life have got the glitter of a rare blend. He is young and dynamic and can therefore deliver much more ahead. I wish Mr Allen many more innings over here and hope him to keep his going high.

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Raabia Tabassum 23 November 2013

Great poetry. Keep going. Mind checking mine out?

60 50 Reply
Doug Blair 08 June 2013

The Breeze Blows. Interesting that in the third verse, and observing limitless heavens in silence, the writer says that it is the last time of sensing the breeze. Is it that he dies, or that individuality is morphed into the great Cosmos. Everything is certainly much bigger than the writer, and he knows it.

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Richardson Greg 31 May 2013

I love fire and talk about it alot in my poetry. Try reading my poem, I am Fire. I think you will like it and it might give you a new perception of your own poem. :)

50 49 Reply
Frank (popeye) Pulver 14 May 2013

this is a good poem that reminds that we all should never get up and keep the inner motivation and courage in our heart.

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mufaro 26 October 2021

write more about yourself

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Evan Lee 26 August 2016

Hey, Allen...I sent you a message earlier today about your poem Choices. Could you email me back with your thoughts. Thanks.

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Dianne Crawford 15 February 2016

I love the poem MY BEAUTIFUL FLOWER! VERY GOOD! ! ! !

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Angela Ilyas 07 August 2015

Nice Poems! Deep! God Bless You!

7 1 Reply
p.a. noushad 24 May 2015

good, all the best, dear Allen, nice poems.

6 1 Reply

Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet Quotes

Be mindful of what you listen to, it will influence how you feel, how you feel will influence how you think, how you think will influence how you act, how you act will influence how you behave, your behaviors will soon become your habits and your habits will shape your future.

Small things left alone will grow larger the tiny plant in the Forest will become a mighty tree the small cloud on a humid day will bellow into a raging storm the small ripple deep in the ocean can surge into a tidal wave ashore what i have learned from these natural occurrences is simple, any problem you face in life will start off small and gradually grow larger over the passing of time solving problems whilst they are still small enough to be managed is the key.

I've always been an advocate of never comparing yourself to someone else, however there is one person you should compare yourself to everyday, yourself! That's the only way we can measure our personal grown. The question we should be asking ourselves on a daily basis is 'am I better than I was yesterday, have I become any wiser, stronger, more distinct? ' A stagnant lifestyle is a quick route to unhappiness, proactive self awareness to better oneself is more than just a Nobel feat of strength, it is the key to self fulfilment and part of our true nature.

It's better to be a mediocre version of yourself Than an excellent version of what you're not

The familiarity of mediocrity provides a sense of security. The uncertainty of excellence is scary, but a path that makes life worthy of glory

One of the most painful things for someone who knows their value is to see others make millions for doing next to nothing, while you make next to nothing for supporting an economy that allows that to happen

If you're only happy when you are drunk. That is a clear sign that something in your life needs to change

A 9 to 5 job is a medical procedure in which they attempt to extract your soul through your arsehole over the period of about twenty years or so. The end result is noticeable by the apparent death in the eyes of the patient and drone-like appearance in their movements and general demeanour.

Don't pretend to be rich trying to impress others While pretending that somehow it makes you happy Be authentic and true to yourself and you will find the inner peace you seek

One of my biggest realisations took me quiet a few years to fully understand. That is self talk. Most self help books talk about the importance of this and I tried the tools many times initially when I first learned of it and it really did not feel natural. I spoke positive and constructive self dialogue but no matter how much I repeated any phrase, I just wasn't feeling it. I did not believe what I was telling myself. It's only after I became older and more mature did I actually start believing it. I think the reason is as we get older we worry less about our internal insecurities. I started not only caring less what other people thought of me, I also just didn't feel the urge to seek happiness from others or from outside myself. I learned that it's up to me and me alone to make myself happy, and if I'm not happy I am mature and experienced enough in life to know to seek help and know how to make myself feel better. It's not perfect and it doesn't have to be, I just realise if I'm doing everything in my power to be my best self, I don't need to stress about it. The dominoes will fall where I exert my force just like with happiness. Where you focus your thoughts will control the direction of your level of happiness.

Destiny is nothing more than an accumulation of past choices to form a present outcome

Most work is terrible, it's usually about finding the most tolerable form of hell. There exists many miserable doctors and many joyful janitors. Find your joy in the simple things

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