Chris Whitty:Government Lackey (May 28th,2020) . Poem by DM W

Chris Whitty:Government Lackey (May 28th,2020) .

Rating: 5.0

O professor Chris Whitty is a complete twit.
He is as dull as dish water; a useful idiot.
He says he doesn't get involved in politics;
When he is standing next to our pompous P.M;
Who is now defending the indefensible.
Why can't he criticise contemptible Cummings?
Afterall, the rest of us are raging with anger,
At this vile creature for breaking the 'strict' lockdown.
It's one rule for one and one rule for another,
In the' democratic' realms of the United Kingdom.

Chris Whitty:Government Lackey (May 28th,2020) .
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: political
Shaun Cronick 28 May 2020

And yet another thing Boris would have carved up the NHS if this virus hadn't have car-crashed on him and the entire health service world. Carved it up and sold off the lucrative chunky sweet meats parts to American money grabbing health companies and poor old Joe Public would pay through the nose a king's ransom for a treatment to the common cold. Can you imagine how much a heart transplant would eventually cost.

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Shaun Cronick 28 May 2020

And another thought Dominic the only handclap Boris and his Toady Gang will ever get is a slow handclap when sacked or voted out of office. The whole odious apparatus will come tumbling down eventually. Boris is a total hypocrite he sings NHS praises then stabs them in the back that's how he truly rewards front-line workers.

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Shaun Cronick 28 May 2020

Well said Dominic! ! Well said indeed! It's like a poet saying I didn't really want to get involved in poetry for there's too many words. And his initials C W stand as we all for Complete Wa****! 10++ without a doubt. And that Cummings story is The Terminator ….it just will not stop! Thanks again Dominic and vote Monster Raving Loony.

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Dominic Windram 30 May 2020

Thanks so much for all your comments Shaun. You are absolutely spot on about the current state of the N.H.S. We've now had 40 years of this marked move towards privatisation starting with Thatcher, continued by New Labour under Blair or should that be Bliar...and now with BoJo. In my view, we need a radical reworking of the political system here in the U.K. However, I can't see it happening any time soon.

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