Close Your Mouth! Poem by Eric Cockrell

Close Your Mouth!

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close your mouth!
if a man is hungry,
feed him!
if a man is sick,
give him medical care.
if a man is homeless,
take him in.
if your leaders demand war,
vote them out,
or overthrow them.
if your system is unjust,
tear it down and start over.
if any other person,
regardless of color, politics,
religion, or sexual orientation,
comes to you...
respect them!
if they come to in in need,
help them.
if they are oppressed,
free them!
mouth still closed?
then your path is true!

Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 08 April 2012

unwritten soul, When I amplified what Eric had written here in different tone, what is there to agree and disagree. A country which practices democracy, equality and transparency on its own soil, but behaves differently in other countries for the sake of economic benefits, is, something very inappropriate, For example, the politicians of the poor nations are bribed as had been done to Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi and many others to make use of them to defeat their own enemies of these developed nations...Love has no place in politics, only the rules and regulations can make the perfect political platforms for the people to have love in their hearts, so I disagree to agree with your perception of my comments.

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Unwritten Soul 07 April 2012

Veeraiyah, i agree but with Eric i more agree..because what we need to do is to start this, no house will be build if we never start with a single block right....and Eric is always right to promote love among us..because it is essential for us to live in our country, an Earth..we just live separately but humanity own us as a whole... Pray for others and self..Amplify love from one to millions! _Unwritten Soul

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Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 07 April 2012

Eric, If...If the people were so generous enough to have thought this way, the world could have been a better place for billions of poor and millions of destitute, but at this moment, I am looking at these people who are suffering physically in silence (not in Malaysia, Malaysians live hundred times better with economical and political stability)

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