Closing Years Poem by Rani Turton

Closing Years

Rating: 5.0

In these closing years of your life
Each time I see your white hair that was once so black
Your body bent that once walked so straight
I remember you throwing me up in your arms
And waiting for you impatiently at the gate

Let time quietly glide away
And grace touch every moment that is left
Never to know distress, worry, stress
And when you close your eyes to rest one day
It might be to the sound of familiar footsteps I guess
That you can follow without any fear in your heart;
And to the sound of soft beloved voices,
Maybe that is the way loved ones depart.

Janice Windle 29 March 2008

As you have said, Rani, we share an image here, which I put down independently in 'My Father'. It's sad to see changes in your parents and you can only hope and wish for a peaceful lead up to the end. This is very expressive and ture to natural feeling.

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Aasiq the poet 04 April 2008

sublime, powerful emotion any father would be proud to have from a daughter...the words have so nicely arranged themselves to cup the emotion.not a dropp has spilled over... ..

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Ivor Hogg 12 April 2008

acceptance of the inevitable is no so easy but you do it gracefully

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Karin Martin 20 April 2008

I have an aging mother. This poem almost made me cry... Thank you for the wonderfully tender way you wrote it... I never had a dad, he died when I was very young. This poem seems to be written for a father? Am I right? Karin

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'And when you close your eyes to rest one day It might be to the sound of familiar footsteps I guess That you can follow without any fear in your heart; And to the sound of soft beloved voices, Maybe that is the way loved ones depart' heartfelt poem thanks for sharing

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Ron Flowers 19 August 2008

Beautifully expressed, Rani. Ron

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Subham Dutta 07 August 2008

Dear Rani Turton, The sense of your poem is very good.

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Kevin Wells 29 July 2008

Heart-felt...absolutely beautiful.

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Colin Jeffery 15 July 2008

A really great poem.

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Chitra - 09 July 2008

An incredibly strong and emotional poem

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