Come close my love and I'll tell you a story, a story of a young girl who glanced at a boy and fell in love. The girl hid her passionate feelings inside for so long. and when they would hang out and then he had to leave, she had to fight the urge to say 'wait! , ' spin him around, kiss him and, say I love you. For the girl was scared and was afraid he didnt feel the same as what her heart bleed. She was addicted to this boy and all she wanted was to have enough bravery to make that bold, not knowing what happens next move. The girl cried every night and vowed that when she saw him the next day that was her chance and she would go for it. She couldn't day after day she couldn't. Her heart bled with undying love and she couldnt take it anymore. The girl went up to the boy and in one spontainious moment, she grabed him, kissed him gently and said, 'You have know idea how long I've wanted to do that. Ever since I saw you I fell in love. It took everything I had to do what I just did but the next move is yours.' The boy looked deep into her eyes and with his suprised face dying down, he raised her chin, and kissed her. He looked back into those beautiful eyes and said I thought you would never ask.....
And now My love the story I wish is true. I am that girl but I havent yet made that move. But maybe someday I will find the courage.
awesome and cool love it reallly meanningful sorryu that i cant spell mi bad love ya
jess, this is so pasionate, what are you waiting for make that jump into fait and find yal's destny.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
what can i say, another beautiful writting keep on writting, i hope someone will tell me a story