De Liefste Oma Op Aarde... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

De Liefste Oma Op Aarde...

Rating: 5.0

Hoe lieflijk klinkt de zacht spetterende waterval
in het afgelegen groenste van het imposante landgoed
zo nu en dan nodigt Oma me uit
zij is dol op haar schavuit
Oma doet vaak grappig
telkens weer gier ik het uit
vaak zijn haar woorden zoetsappig
maar vergis je niet, de inhoud is kort maar krachtig

zij is mijn liefste Oma op aarde
haar aanwezigheid geeft mij enorme waarde
haar liefde en verzorgende koestering
ondanks alles blijf ik haar enige bezieling
wat ik als kind ook zeg
Oma beschouwt het allemaal serieus en heel echt

als kind heb ik van haar leren bidden en zingen
het leven zit vol verrassingen en zegeningen
de enige die ik steeds moet liefhebben en bedanken
zijn de Almachtige God en mijn liefhebbende ouders
lieve Oma van U heb ik leren reizen naar verre landen
naar lustige oorden en mooie warme stranden
waar menige sportieve baritons mijn hart en ziel doen branden….

Pipi uit haar Notities voor:
© Sylvia Frances Chan

AD. Friday the 13th of July 2018
@ 15.44 hrs. PM. West-European Time

De Liefste Oma Op Aarde...
Friday, July 13, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: god,grandchild,grandmother,love and life
Pipi from her Notes for:
© Sylvia Frances Chan
Dutch Poetess

AD. Friday the 13th of July 2018
@ 15.44 hrs. PM. West-European Time
Kumarmani Mahakul 26 January 2021

Life needs love at each step. This is very true really. Life blooms in love. This poem is completely very nice one. Revisiting this poem I feel very happy.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 08 April 2020

This poem is very beautifully and excellently penned and this carries amazing perceptional essence. This deserves full 10 point and already I have rated full. Thank you very much for sharing this lovely work.

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Thank you so much Master Poet Kumarmani Mahakul Sir. You are the only one poet who supports me constantly on a highest level, which I appreciate endlessly. thank you for the immense 10 and your valuable rating. God's Blessings Greatest be poured upon you and your beloved épousse.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 08 April 2020

Grandmother's advice we still remember and she gives advice us to make life beautiful without mistakes. We should not commit mistakes. Grandmother invites to love nature. Every grand child remembers her grand-children. Grandmother's children are sweet and they motivate us to us do Godly duty. Nature feels our emotion. We feel natural activities. We thank God.

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YES! Every grand child remembers her grand-children. Yes, as I do towards my grandchildren. Grandmother's children are sweet and they motivate us. They are in fact our own mothers and she surely motivates me to do Godly duty, such as praying, God is in all natural activities, web feel that, and we thank God. So good and happy to read now (8 April 2020) your responses.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 08 April 2020

Mountains carry waterfall and we hear the flowing sound. Sweet is the softly splashing waterfall sound that we hear during travel and we wonder how beautifully God makes a stream dance in lap of the mountain falling into another mountain to which we call as waterfall. Stream carries sweet nectar and stream motivates mind with service of selfless attitude. Greenest scene is the best scene.

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Indeed, Master Poet Kumarmani Mahakul Sir, Greenest scene is the best scene and that is my most favourite collours. As a paintress I like all colours, but green is my most favourite colours of all colours. Thank YOIU so much from my heart.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 08 April 2020

A a traveler of the wold you love very much the green forest and mountains. Scenic beauty ever attracts your attention and you deeply feel God's beautiful creation. God's garden is very nice and beautiful. God has made this Earth as beautiful garden. We love his creation and we love him very much. We love God's greatest glow and beauty of his creation.

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Thank you so much from the deepest in my heart, for all your constant creative comments and compliments, they all meahn so very much to me. Only God knows my mind and soul and He knows how grateful I am towards you, Master Poet Kumarmni Mahakul Sir. God Bless You Always

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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