Dear Dairy, Poem by Zachary Clark

Dear Dairy,

Dear Diary,

Today is the first day I can go anywhere.
I hope the scary people with stars aren't still there.

The Happy Girl,

Dear Diary,

The scary people with the stars aren't here anymore.
But there are even scarier soldiers going door to door.

The Afraid Girl,

Dear Diary,

I left the neighborhood, buildings are in ash and gravel.
But I still went and sat at the town center bell.

The Displeased Girl,

Dear Diary,

I found a journal it is so very small.
I found it in the remains of a old burnt wall.

The Curious Girl,

Dear Diary,

The journal is sad and very depressing.
This girl is sad, lonely, terror is manifesting.

The Sad Girl,

Dear Diary,

Did you know our country hurt people?
We cut and burned them on church steeples.

The Pained Girl,

Dear Diary,

Oh my what did we do, she is suffering!
Look at the horror our country can bring!

The Depressed Girl,

Dear Diary,

Pain, she is in pain, in a camp for killing.
The camp is for torture from the floor to ceiling.

The Angry Girl,

Dear Diary,

She couldn't escape she is dead...
Why Ann Frank and not me instead...

The Mourning Girl,

Kerry O'Connor 17 October 2009

This is a highly original idea. Excellent progression of emotions and revelations.

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Kranthi Pothineni 17 October 2009

Nice title and touching theme with brilliant and unique presentation. Very expressive write indeed.

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