Dec.2019 Showcase List Of Recent Bri Edwards ‘ Favorite Poems ‘ On P-H…..[ A List Of Titles Is In My Poet's Notes,After The Intro Poem ] Poem by Bri Edwards

Dec.2019 Showcase List Of Recent Bri Edwards ‘ Favorite Poems ‘ On P-H…..[ A List Of Titles Is In My Poet's Notes,After The Intro Poem ]

Rating: 5.0

I've ‘missed' my mate for near three weeks,
but with many nice poems I've filled my ‘cheeks'.
OK!‘twere NOT my cheeks, but eyes and brain.
I'm NOT a squirrel, and not "nuts" aka insane!

[[That last statement is NOT open to discussion.
If you argue that, I may give you a concussion.]]

This month I'll just send a list from MyPoemList.
You may ‘hate' some and some can't resist ….
….liking immensely, ……such as one of my own, perhaps?
I hope none give you a mental-health relapse!

Yes, here in the U.S. it's near Christmas Eve,
when, onto my back, a sack of toys I heave,
…then harness my deer to ‘Santa's Sleigh',
and, saying "Bye" to my Elves, I'm on my way.

After squeezing down chimneys, many sooty,
I hope to find milk & at least one sweet goody.
Then I'll leave toys, and new sox & underwear ….
beneath Christmas trees for all to share …
or not.

(December …5th ….2019)

P.S.I'll let you "decide about" any suggested poems you read, if any, from my Poet's Notes list.I MEAN you can decide how worthy they are [for YOU] regarding their use of storytelling etc., poetic form, and ‘proper' punctuation, spelling, definition, and syntax [not a tax on sin! I'd be broke! ! ].

Of course I try to use poems with "PERFECT English", but I DO include some which I would change a bit; I DO mention suggestions at times to poets in my poem comments on their poems, and each poem listed HAS been commented on by me, ..........perhaps with the exception of ones I wrote.

Thursday, December 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas,poems,poets,sharing
Title Poet Inclusion Date

1 Sombre, Weeping Rife... Naila Rais 12/4/2019

2 Till Divorce Pulls Us ApartAniruddha Pathak12/2/2019

3 Thank God For Small MerciesAniruddha Pathak12/2/2019

4 Built Of Nothing Poetic Poet 12/2/2019

5 The Note I Didn't Write Aqua Flower 12/2/2019

6 Your "Love", Huh? ….Rediculous! Bri Edwards 12/2/2019

7 To Faerie Land Stephen (Steve)Howard 12/1/2019

8 The Fence Stephen (Steve)Howard 12/1/2019

9 Kissing The World AdieuSebastian Melmoth 12/1/2019

10 Limerick: Human Cannonball Kim Barney 11/30/2019

11 From Tigerlet To Tiger Jenny Kalahar 11/30/2019

12 Creative Liars Babatunde Raimi11/30/2019

13 Everybody Needs Somebody Nudershada Cabanes 11/29/2019

14 Quickie-Bride Or Groom? Loke Kok yee 11/29/2019

15 749. Meet Me By The Waterfall Jaden Knight 11/29/2019

16 Hunger For Knowledge Della Perry 11/29/2019

17 Zombie Or Not Zom-Bie?Lodigiana Poetess 11/29/2019

18 Tom Becomes Fanny Tom Billsborough 11/29/2019

19 Frustration! Navod Dilhara11/28/2019

20 In For A Pound Limerick) Kelly Kurt 11/27/2019

21 Limerick: Mike's Bike Kim Barney 11/27/2019

22 Death: Why We Avoid It… Bri Edwards 11/27/2019

23 In A Nutshell - Faith Lora Colon 11/26/2019

24 (limerick) if Truth Were Told, Quite Beautiful
WES Vogler 11/24/2019

25 Thanksgiving [ Nov.28th ] Wish For Bri's Friend …
Bri Edwards 11/24/2019

26 An Old Hawk On Steroids! Savita Tyagi 11/23/2019

27 A Limerick- On Limerick Valsa George 11/23/2019

28 Inconsequential Lora Colon 11/22/2019

30 Adirondack Summer Night Helen Osbourne11/22/2019

31 Gulliver Helen Osbourne11/22/2019

32 On Midnight Hour. Naila Rais 11/22/2019

33 She's Got Buddy Holly EyesART PAUL SCHLOSSER 11/22/2019

34 At 71, I've Few Complaints …Bri Edwards 11/21/2019

35 The Doubt Of Future Foes Queen Elizabeth I 11/20/2019

36 Alice In (And Out Of) .....Blunderland * …
Bri Edwards 11/20/2019

37 '' The Human Is Now, But A Snack '' Bri Mar 11/20/2019

38 What We Really Are? Sandra Feldman 11/19/2019

39 Irresistible Kim Barney 11/19/2019

40 Amazon Women Kim Barney 11/19/2019

41 Jawa The Loved Unloved Solomon Senxer 11/17/2019

42 Bri And Age.... Bri Edwards 11/17/2019

Readers, I share these titles/authors with you because I've
liked them.I hope you get around to reading some of them
and enjoying them also!

bri edwards


Happy 2020! ! !Ok, Happy the-rest-of-December! as well.
S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 09 December 2019

Woah woee here comes our PH king of humour threatening us with concussion just for fun eh lol! All part of his scintillating wit that I envy and can't emulate. When you come down our chimney just leave a fantastic poem like this in our socks and it would be a treat ok. Kudos.

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Valsa George 06 December 2019

Bri....You have done a wonderful job......! In your spouse's absence, I guess you have complete control over your computer and no restriction on the time you spend gazing on the screen...! But by the time she returns, be careful not to impair your vision. I enjoyed your introductory poem, suiting to the Christmas season! It is great!

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bri edwards 05 December 2019

Ok, not a bad (not TOO bad) job by PoemHunter getting this poem on this page, ....with a little help from me. Sorry if you don't have the time, energy, inclination, or luck to find some of these. I don't vouch for poems i don't list here or in other (usually) monthly lists. bri :) P.S. Thanks to all who (unwittingly) gave their titles and names for this list.

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success