* Defiance Poem by Louie Levy

* Defiance

Rating: 3.1

Defiance of Mind

The count goes on, as a matter of time
It's significance, a mere state of mind
The second was created, to tick for a minute
Monumenting the hour, we erected a 'Watch' tower

Hours turned to days, then weeks became months,
and as if that weren't enough, someone 'Counted' the months
Commemorating the first second, nay! shed not a tear..
Although its young life has ended, we decease another year

We are irate by the 'Count Down', when we celebrate,
'Happy Birthdays', as a clown with a frown...
As for me! I'll have no part of times game
Nor will I become a 'Sum Total', the equation's the same

Ageless and forever young, while
time I defy, and death I sneer...

'tis but a fool that gets older,
Counting every New Year...

Louie Levy

The fountain of youth-filled 'Ability' is
indellibly sipped from our aging minds
05.11.2010 (Still writing)


My dear ageless friends; Never be led to believe other than you feel about Love and happiness.. Civilization will take you on a depressed roller coaster ride from birth to the unpredictable, predictable journey of life. Contemporary science has finally discovered that the human brain does not know how old it is. This, I discovered a very, very long time ago. When ever told, to 'Act Your Age'. Dumbness can be Bliss. Awaken this day and help rescue all Life, Mother Nature, and Planet Earth. ...louie

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Almedia Knight-Oliver 29 July 2010

: Defiance' has given me much inspiration! 'Ageless and forever young, while time I defy and death I sneer'-, bold, funny, and wholly original. Thanks for suggesting that I readthis poem. I can't express how the words of the narrator has changed my doubts about continuing life as if today were the first day of my life. Thanks Louis, If you're ever in New York, let me know.

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Rani Turton 08 October 2009

'Ageless and forever young, while/'time I defy, and death I sneer...' yes, I definitely will accept to dance!

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 28 September 2009

Ageless and forever young, while time I defy, and death I sneer... 'tis but a fool that gets older, Counting every New Year..........folls only get older by counting years and intellegent march on vigorously whihout caring for odds..beautiful and lovely theme as always... i admire it....10

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