Do You Ever Reminisce? Poem by Laquory Jones

Do You Ever Reminisce?

Rating: 5.0

Do you ever just sit back and reminisce
Like how the summer heat would kiss the
Lips against the autumn wind heat waves
Would then slowly cinch up the skin while
You're slowly sipping Lipton Brisk
Mid-way into the summer bliss
Not a care in the world because we're
Just a bunch of kids please don't wake
Me up from my nostalgia fix
Every Christmas Eve you would make up
Your Christmas list and check mark
Everything that you would hope to get
Oh nothing would ever compare to this

Verse 1
Tell me do you ever sit back and reminisce
Not many can compare to this watching
Memories on a VHS tape pounding the
VCR hoping to save what's left of the
Footage you recorded from back in the day
Hoping that none of it had gotten erased
Looking at Susie across the way with your
Parents showing her pictures of you as a
Baby finding out they was never misplaced
Friends laughing "oh Richie what a fate"
Carrying a boom-box because music was
A means for escape saying how we'll end
Up in Cali-Forn-I-A desperate for change

Verse 2
At the age of 18 came my definitive mark
I knew one day I would have to embark
That's when my dab in poetry had
Gotten its start hoping this hot Rookie
Can create a spark and Redefine the arts
A Modern day Mozart Whiz with a pen
Creating art with an elegant twist awhile
Reminiscing his days as a kid

Do you ever just sit back and reminisce
Like how the summer heat would kiss the
Lips against the autumn wind heat waves
Would then slowly cinch up the skin while
You're slowly sipping Lipton Brisk
Mid-way into the summer bliss
Not a care in the world because we're
Just a bunch of kids please don't wake
Me up from my nostalgia fix
Every Christmas Eve you would make up
Your Christmas list and check mark
Everything that you would hope to get
Oh nothing would ever compare to this


Sunday, April 7, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life,reminiscences
Lamar Cole 07 April 2019

Great write about do you ever reminisce.

1 0 Reply
Laquory Jones 07 April 2019

Thank you for your kind comment Lamar

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Edward Kofi Louis 07 April 2019

Across the way! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Laquory Jones 07 April 2019

Ty Kofi for your Kind Comment

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