Don't Be Telling The Story Straight (Final Draft) Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Don't Be Telling The Story Straight (Final Draft)

if you tell the story straight it will be over in two seconds.

we want the story to last the way some kids make candy last

the whole day

sucking on lemon drops as they play.

oh let the story be such an unwinding tale

it could go on for years; with cherry danish up to Here

put everything in it please.

the maraschinos and the cheese.

the mouse not caught and running off

with the moment's feast.

or if it's a Christmas mouse

don't leave the sugarplums out.

You know what to do.

put in a castle or two.

make mine pink and make yours


and then we'll switch.

and speak of swans

sailing mirrored on a crystal pond.

we'll put in all the toys

they'll want to hear it too

if you were a toy wouldn't you want that too

put in some teacups and Cinderella's dress

the one you made yourself in sewing class

in dreams all of a pink voille, and in between, a lavender sheen.

put in a jeweled Alas! for the goose girl as she quails past

and put in a vintage song and before too long

put in three bears and make them walk till four

so Goldilocks can get out the door

and off the lawn without a yawn

and speaking of that you better go along.

it's a school night now

much too late for the purple cow

you know where you belong.

though there's time for one more song

to banish worry

scurry scurry

Click off the light.

good night good night.

mary angela douglas 18 april 2020; rev.16 may 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: children,story
Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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