Drie Jaar Te Laat.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Drie Jaar Te Laat....

Rating: 5.0

zoals mijn kwast die aan de westkust ligt
mijn ongekleurde canvas
definieert mijn afwezigheid
voor door lang langere, langste eenzame nachten
de stille uren eens gedistilleerd
begin opnieuw te bubbelen

mij in de geringste zucht van

definitie, geloof en gevoel
verborgen in één doos

als een minnaar
geconfronteerd met een ander verraad van
je andere uitgestelde dood.

© Sylvia Frances Chan

Woensdag 26 september 2018 -
@ 17.00 uur. P.M. W.E.Time.
Zonnige dag, hoera! -19 C graden

Drie Jaar Te Laat....
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: emotions,life and death,love and dreams
On Monday 25th June 2007 published on my own Website on Multiple.Com
I had 4 websites, the 1st named SylvieTAN, especially for my drawings and paintings, the 2nd: SYLVIA FRANCES CHAN only for essays and poems, the 3rd: Sylvia Tjan this was for changing thoughts and chatting with my best friends and acquaintances, the 4th and the last: Pipi Pipi to show my short videos, fotos and cooking recipes. Multiply. Com was a true paradise for Webloggers, we can do everything we wish on html level, it was a world on its own. Like other sites that are free, Multiply. Com was sold to business men and traders from Indonesia and the Philippines. We must move our equipment to another site. This photo below shows a text and in my video film the text moves like in a real film and we can read this text: I am on this Planet, My Lord, in the nearness of Thee....

Being on that Multiply. Com, it was like being in my own Art Atelier, truly fascinating. The Website with this text, is called SYLVIA FRANCES CHAN, nowadays it is called a Weblog or a Blogspot.
The name Blogspot did not exist yet at that time. It was the year of 2005 and on and Multiply. Com was a wealthy Web Site.

by ©Sylvia Frances Chan©copyright Sat Aug 20- 2011 - All Rights Reserved
Kumarmani Mahakul 27 September 2020

Lover faces the another betrayal but this emotional poem gains the acceptance of readers. Your uncolored canvas defines your absence for long and longer but your poem gives a reflection of your presence in this poetic world and you are highly ranked poetess as we see your rank today # 206 on top 500 poets of the world. The belief is well defined by God's grace. An excellent poem! 5 stars!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 27 September 2020

zoals mijn kwast die aan de westkust ligt mijn ongekleurde canvas definieert mijn afwezigheid..This poem is definitely very amazingly penned. Reciting few lines we feel very happy. This poem deserves full 5 stars rating.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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