Dry Leaf Poem by ANJANDEV ROY

Dry Leaf

Rating: 5.0

The dry leaf was crying bitterly,
As everybody was ignoring it,
Suddenly the wise old man came
And took it with great care and affection;
Other people hated the old man for this,
But he didn't pay any attention to them,
As he knew the absolute truth,
In course of time it was found that
The dry leaf began to shine brilliantly like a true champion,
But the green leaves of the other people became dull and empty,
Everybody remained stunned.

Friday, October 25, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Valsa George 27 October 2019

Everything has a value. Even the most ignored thing can someday become dear and valuable. As the saying goes- Even a dog has a day! Interesting story!

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 25 October 2019

nice AAAAAAAA RRRR as I turn in my life a leaf I come first to read thy leafy green poetry ah so lovely chlorophyl it is

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 25 October 2019

A fascinating story imbued with wisdom. If we nurture someone, he will become a wonderful person. Beautifully conveyed.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 25 October 2019

A magnificent piece of work! I appreciate the splendid expression.....Full marks!

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Kingsley Egbukole 25 October 2019

With love and care difficult situations can be revived. Beautiful. Please kindly check my poems HOPE and THE BEAUTY OF DEATH and leave your comments. Kingsley Egbukole

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