Durability And Duplicity Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

Durability And Duplicity

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Many people purchase things thinking durability,
Some of them in dilemma fall in duplicity.
The things those last for a long duration,
Do not increase anxiety and botheration.

Duress is taken by some to earn more money,
They think money is all, sweeter than honey.
Some speculate to have duplex within a night,
And they earn in unfair means in mood tight.

Some people manufacture duplicate things,
And they diddle customer saying everlasting.
Shopkeepers sell things durable with duplicate,
We suppose original and purchase in triplicate.

But knowledge is durable we should earn,
It increases in dispersion when people learn.
It encourages dormant people to an active state,
They keep away from idleness and make their fate.

Knowledge enlightens people for eternal object,
One may follow true path away from subject.
Spiritual items have durability wise men say,
Always you tell, “While the sunshine makes hay”.

Friday, April 17, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: business
Here poet describes about things of durability and duplicity. Many people always want to purchase things of durability but sometimes they fall in duplicity. Things of durability always last for long times and don’t give botheration. Some persons take unfair means to earn more wealth by hook or crook. They dream to be rich in a day or night. Such type of persons or shopkeepers sells things of duplicity saying these everlasting. Knowledge is durable. It lasts forever. In dispersion it increases. It encourages the dormant people to an active state. They keep away from idleness. Knowledge enlightens people for eternal object like true path and spiritual qualities. A wise man says always, “Make hay while the sunshine.” This is the theme of the poem in nutshell. This is written in Deogarh, Odisha, India and is dedicated to the people of the world.
Diddle – swindle
Duress – illegal use of force, threats or violence on a person to perform an act
Duplex – flat on two floors
Dormant – inactive
Subject – person of specified tendency
Kelly Kurt 17 April 2015

Another bit of wisdom, disguised as a poem. Very nice.

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Madathil Rajendran Nair 18 April 2015

Thanks for pointing out that knowledge is the only real durable thing - particularly spiritual. Thanks for sharing.

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Akhtar Jawad 18 April 2015

But knowledge is durable we should earn, It increases in dispersion when people learn. It encourages dormant people to an active state, They keep away from idleness and make their fate. A true and perfect knowledge is the real power, a great thoughtful poem.....

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Uma Ram 19 April 2015

Knowledge enlightens people for eternal object, One may follow true path away from subject. Spiritual items have durability wise men say, Always you tell, “While the sunshine makes hay”. True sir, a reflection of ripe experiences in life! Thanks for sharing sir. Thanks for your continuous encouragement sir.

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Lewis Findley 19 April 2015

Good Insightful write.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 08 November 2022

But knowledge is durable...so true dear poet. Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful poem with us dear poet. Stay blessed

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Heather W.B. 12 February 2019

Durability is a sense of perception to feel the ability of withstanding values. We should carefully and peacefully love life. This poem is nicely written and we love its theme.

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Kalpana Barik 12 February 2019

The ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage we shall learn through art of expression. This is very wonderful poem.

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Pushpendra Patel 12 February 2019

You are very right sir. Knowledge empowers people. All need right knowledge. This is great to hear this from your lovely poem. Nice sharing! `

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Valsa George 01 May 2015

Now a days, our shops are filled with duplicate items which have the semblance of original stuff. But unfortunately, we are often duped and the durability of the things purchased is relatively short! In our urge to possess durable items, we are often lured into buying duplicate items! Knowledge is durable.... it will stay with us as long as our memory lasts! Great thoughts!

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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